also, I have my hair pinned up so it falls just past my shoulders, and it feels weird

Tumblr, it is late, and everyone is doing hallowe’en, so

quit fucking eating my asks


So, I went to the Parisian première of Thor 2 last week, and the movie was so fucking epic that I went to see it again today.

All the scenes I want to draw will have to wait until the Blu Ray release so I used a Tom Hiddleston picture as a reference for this.

I need to stop drawing once every two weeks, this is getting ridiculous.

Mordred presses his lips into a firm line, choosing to ignore her comment. “Good. “

“Sweetheart, let me make something completely clear to you. That boy is so tied up in you it is not even funny. Even if I was interested in poaching, it wouldn’t happen, because he would look at me cross-eyed and explain to me how I’m not you. So don’t come over all threatening at me like somehow you’re insecure in this relationship, because you’ve got no business being so.”



“Oh, no!” An embarrassed laugh turned into a cough. “What’s going on? Is she going to be okay?” She shook him a little bit. “You just have too much emotional stuff going on in your life! Poor Xavier.”

“Tried to commit suicide,” he pursed his lips but gave a slight smile, a mere tilt of the corner of his lips. “Not my sister, his. I helped him bring her to the hospital but… He’s been quiet since then.”

“Oh, good grief.” She shook her head. “You should definitely be there for him. Trust me, I’ve been there too. Just letting people know that you are there if they want you, it can make a huge difference.” She thought about the number of times when that was /all/ she could do. Sometimes, being an empath sucked; she was capable of just fixing people, but knew that in the long run that it wasn’t going to be a real solution. People had to find their own strength.



She gets up and goes over to him, putting an arm around his shoulders and hugging. “I’m glad to help. You better tell me how it goes, though, I’m going to be eaten up with curiosity!” Smiling into his eyes, she goes on, “I assure you, from the perspective of my vast age, even a little time with someone you care about is worth it.”

[ ❧ ─    ”Thanks a bunch, Summer. Don’t think you know how much you’ve helped me out here.” He returned the hug happily, features alighting with a smile of his own. “I’ll probably tell him all of that later, though. Ehm, sisters in the hospital.”

“Oh, no!” An embarrassed laugh turned into a cough. “What’s going on? Is she going to be okay?” She shook him a little bit. “You just have too much emotional stuff going on in your life! Poor Xavier.”



“Well, look, I don’t know — I’m not — ” Summer clears her throat. “Without talking to Tony, I don’t know for sure that he likes you,” a partial truth at best, but using her gift by rummaging around in people’s lives is not — it’s just not okay, really, “but it wouldn’t surprise me. People do that. They think they’ve gone too far, committed too much, and they pull back. He’s probably afraid of hurting you. But if you want him, if you want this, you need to put that out there. It’ll always hurt worse not knowing.”

[ ❧ ─     “I… thanks, Summer.” Xavier gave the other a grateful smile. So it was possible that Tony liked him then? After all, he was the one who told the younger boy to stay away for a while. Just until he was ready to talk to him again, of course. “I’ll – I’ll do that, promise.”

She gets up and goes over to him, putting an arm around his shoulders and hugging. “I’m glad to help. You better tell me how it goes, though, I’m going to be eaten up with curiosity!” Smiling into his eyes, she goes on, “I assure you, from the perspective of my vast age, even a little time with someone you care about is worth it.”




“Wha — Oh!” Summer blundered to a stop in the middle of the chorus, laughing at herself and turning round. One hand punched the power button on the speakers hastily, so they could hear themselves talk. “Well, thank you. It’s been a long time since I had any training; I just like to sing.” She stood up, offering a hand. “I’m Summer. I guess since you’re here, I must be disturbing everyone on the floor?”

Tony’s slight smile turned into a full-on grin when the girl finally noticed him and he took a step forward, letting himself into her apartment as if he had any right to be in there. “I can see that,” he offered, surprising himself when he found that he genuinely meant it. “Tony,” he said then and shook the proffered hand, “Not exactly a disturbance when you’re not half-bad, yeah? More like a free concert, really. And I was just bored, so I figured I should check where that was coming from.” 

“Ooh, flattery will get you everywhere.” Summer winked. “It’s a good thing I’m in here alone, my ego will need the space if you keep that up.” She gestured to the loveseat. “You’re welcome to hang around, I wasn’t doing anything important. Do you sing?”

“Hey, our common friend the coffee monster told me to come and talk with you.” Clint chuckles and sits down.







“Oh yeah? Were there specifics? Did you leave him with plenty of caffeine?” Summer glances up from her laptop, grinning. “Or is this him doing that thing where he’s afraid he’ll screw it up if he tries to … make his friends be friends?”

“Thank you.” Clint sits down and leans back on the cushions. “Well, he’s familiar. I was very close with Tony,” he responds. “So, what’s the other me been doing, do you know?” Is he still working with SHIELD. Should I be hiding again. Those are few what he wants to ask but he does not want to reveal too much yet. “Is there a problem with me getting close to him? Has he spoken of me?” he inquires instead.

Summer shakes her head. “I honestly couldn’t tell you what Agent Barton is doing. Not only is he higher level than I am, but the stuff he does and the stuff I do doesn’t remotely overlap. The last rumour I heard put him with Agent Romanoff and the Captain, though.”

She studies him, chin in her hands. “Tony talks about everything,” she says, deliberately evasive. “He’s talked about you before, but so much has happened … I don’t mind you getting close to him, but,” she hesitates. “You do know who the other member of our little trio is, don’t you?”

Clint listens to her attentively and is only little disappointed at not finding out more, as he wasn’t really expecting much to start with. The hawk lets out a small sigh, running his fingers through his hair, pondering on his choices. “It’s okay, I wasn’t sure you’d know. We are not in the easiest job to be found out much of,” he answers, ignoring her mention of the Black Widow and Captain completely. The way she avoids telling him of Tony stings a lot but he knows she has no reason to offer trust or information for him, especially when he’s practically a stranger to her. 

Clint doesn’t like admitting his lack of knowledge but can do little else currently in his situation. “I don’t know who your third is or that you even had one but I have nothing against triads. I was happily part of one myself. Our triad was not well received mostly due to the third person being who he was. We had our troubles but stayed together through them all until..” His voice trails off and he turn his head away to hide the tears threatening to fall from his eyes.

“Hey, hey,” she says softly, and puts a hand on his shoulder. “It’s okay. Maybe you can find them again. I’m sure Tony can help with that.” She squeezes, mildly bemused at the muscle under her hand.

“You might not want to stay here, after all. You see … Loki lives here.”

The assassin freezes at the touch and mention of Loki at first then breaks out in nearly hysterical laugher. The tears he was holding in before now run freely from his eyes. “Of course… no matter what dimension we are… they- ” The hawk holds his mouth for a moment, his body shaking as the laughter nearly breaks out again. “Those two always manage to find each other, no matter what. I wonder how different Loki is or if he’s like the one I fell in love with. I would like to find out if none of you have anything against it.” Clint turns to her with questioning eyes as he finishes speaking.

“But — I — you what? You were in /love/ with — Clint Barton, I demand to hear this story right now!” She’s shocked and amazed and rather pleased — if Loki takes to Clint the way Clint seems to have taken to Tony … but then she realises what that might mean for her. Fear rockets through her, and she shoves it away. If they’re happy, what right has she to interfere?