Beads: achieved! Two tones — black for movieverse, and gold for comicverse. Now I need a strong webbed gun belt for movieverse, and a lot of wooden disks and sturdy chain and gold paint for comicverse. Obviously, this is not going to happen tonight. It’s not even going to happen this week. But that’s okay because I only need a couple days to put the props together, and Dragoncon is weeks off.

Okay. Okay good. Everything is fixed for Dragoncon. We have stolen the room of been kindly given a room that was going to be abandoned by some of our friends who have decided they can’t go. We’ll be in the Westin, which I actually approve of, because as much as I want to I cannot stand in line for

  • Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman
  • John Barrowman
  • George Takei
  • William Shatner

I have to choose one, and the one is the one on top. Meanwhile, time to order the beads for Black Widow’s bracelets, and contemplate hair colouring.

Assassin’s Tango




“I was jus’ curious is all love. I mean, I’ve never really seen you in this sort o’ light y’know? No doubt in m’ mind though tha’ your armor will protect you, it is your job I ‘spose.” Victor held her gaze with a small smile. “Being a vampire helps a lot in my job, especially because I absobloodylutely hated wearing even a kevlar vest.”

“If you think the armour is impressive, wait until it actually comes down to combat. Speaking of which, it’s really time to go.” Summer slid off the bed and stretched, shaking her shoulders to get everything settled. One hand checked her hair while she walked over to the door. “Keys, room key, phone, ids — I’m ready.”`

He checked the time and made sure he had all of his things again then nodded. “Alright, let’s go. I can’t wait t’ get out an’ go explorin’ in th’ woods. One o’ th’ few places I can be me.” Victor headed for the door and out of the room. “So, I’ve a few ideas of where he might be, mainly we can either scent him out or if you can sense him, or hell, we could try both. But I’d bet good money he’s in the woods, right under the werewolves’ noses.”

Summer bit her tongue. Now was not the time to grumble at him about how insulted she felt that he implied he couldn’t be himself with her. She just pulled the door closed and checked the latch, then followed him out of the hotel.

“Start with where you think he is. I’ll just play hole card for now, until I’m needed.”