

Summer stopped, the grin sliding from her face, leaving her eyes warm. “Yes,” she said softly. “You can’t possibly be perfect but I haven’t found a fault yet.”

“Oh, there’s some. I just…nobody’s ever said stuff like that to me before. It’s odd that someone so new in my life is the first one,” he stated with a smile, tightening his hold around her. “It’s nice.”

“I can come up with some more if you want.” She laughed a little, and twisted around until she was sitting sideways in his arms, legs tucked up over his. She reached up slowly to touch his face, fingertips light on his cheek. “Nobody’s been looking, and that’s a shame.”



It’s like the question is all the cue that’s needed. Summer hovers by his elbow while he tells his shoe size and pays for the rental, before she says, “I think I’m not giving you a choice.” She hugs him — well, more like glomps him, shoes and all. This is no A-line hug, it’s a full-on full body press, and she winds it up with a swift peck to his mouth.

“You’re going to have to stop being heroic, or I’m going to be contractually obligated to fall in love with you and that won’t end well.” Even she’s not sure how much of that is a tease, and all but bolts back to their lane, blushing hotly in the dimness and hoping he doesn’t see it.

“Uh—!” Poor Stiles. He was so ready to deal with Jesse, so suddenly fluid and confident in his motions—but not here. Here, he freezes up, his whole body going stiff against the aforementioned full-body press. His eyebrows furrow and eyes widen at the kiss, like he literally can’t figure out why anyone would do that to him.

And so he stammers instead. “Uh….I’m…I’m not really a hero, but…okay…uh…” And there she goes. Stiles takes a few moments while he finally gets the bowling shoes he needs to play with the others. By the time he shuffles up towards the lane, he’s mostly returned to a normal color instead of bright red.

Summer’s friends are clearly used to her behaviour, and simply introduce themselves to Stiles and add him to the board. There’s no one in the lane right next to them, and it seems almost pointed the way Summer is the one who ends up occupying one of the chairs at the ball return, and the pair of seats perpendicular seems to be constantly full of girl or stuff, leaving no space for Stiles to sit there.

None of them are particularly spectacular bowlers, and it takes a game or so for Summer to get warmed up enough to stop putting the ball down one or the other gutter every third time she’s up. Beth clearly thinks she’s being helpful when she encourages Stiles to go help Summer improve her posture. It’s probably fortunate for all of them that Summer doesn’t hear her; she’s too busy swearing at the single pin left standing in the center of the lane.



She started to giggle. “Oh, no, I’ve killed him! I’ve broken his brain! Quick, what do I do? Helios, what do I do?” Helios, of course, was nowhere to be seen, but she carried on talking like he was answering her. “I should do mouth-to-mouth? CPR?” She leaned forward, biting at the inside of her mouth to keep from bursting into laughter, eyes dancing, like she was going to attempt mouth-to-mouth right there.

“Mouth-to-mouth would be kissing,” Isaac murmured finally, his blush not lessening at all as he turned to fully look her in the eye, casting her a shy smile. Her laughter was infectious and he found himself joining in, surprise still evident in his features. “Did you really mean all those things?”

Summer stopped, the grin sliding from her face, leaving her eyes warm. “Yes,” she said softly. “You can’t possibly be perfect but I haven’t found a fault yet.”



Her mouth twitched mischievously. “You have the most beautiful blue eyes,” she began solemnly. “The dimples when you smile — really smile — are totally unfair, and so is the way your hair curls.” She started to grin. “Your voice is like audible candy, the planes of your face make you look like a Greek sculpture, you’re generous and good-hearted and geeky and tall and fantastic — ” She trailed off.

Isaac’s eyes widened comically and his jaw dropped, clearly rendered speechless for the moment when faced with so many kind and unexpected compliments. Opening and closing his mouth a few times, he simply blinked and shook his head, cheeks burning scarlet as he gazed at her.

She started to giggle. “Oh, no, I’ve killed him! I’ve broken his brain! Quick, what do I do? Helios, what do I do?” Helios, of course, was nowhere to be seen, but she carried on talking like he was answering her. “I should do mouth-to-mouth? CPR?” She leaned forward, biting at the inside of her mouth to keep from bursting into laughter, eyes dancing, like she was going to attempt mouth-to-mouth right there.



“Um … ” How did she explain all the things she was thinking? “That you’re really cute,” she said, heart starting to beat harder, “and I was remembering — I read once that if you look into a person’s eyes long enough you can, um, you can get emotionally attached.”

“I think we’re already there, don’t you?” He arched an eyebrow, the ghost of a smile tugging at his lips as he leaned back against the sofa. “And thank you – I’m still not used to compliments, Summer.”

Her mouth twitched mischievously. “You have the most beautiful blue eyes,” she began solemnly. “The dimples when you smile — really smile — are totally unfair, and so is the way your hair curls.” She started to grin. “Your voice is like audible candy, the planes of your face make you look like a Greek sculpture, you’re generous and good-hearted and geeky and tall and fantastic — ” She trailed off.



“Do you want me to stop?” Summer whispered. She didn’t move, but she could feel a blush rising up her face. Irrelevantly, she remembered that there were studies claiming that staring into another person’s eyes for a few minutes could cause a real emotional attachment. Was that what was happening? Should she look away? She didn’t want to look away.

He shook his head slowly as his cheeks stained pink, unsure of how he was supposed to react, but he didn’t really mind the contact. It was just different and new, but otherwise, he was okay with it. “What are you thinking right now, Summer?”

“Um … ” How did she explain all the things she was thinking? “That you’re really cute,” she said, heart starting to beat harder, “and I was remembering — I read once that if you look into a person’s eyes long enough you can, um, you can get emotionally attached.”



“I can stop.” She didn’t want to move, though, and she didn’t think he did either. She searched his face, watching every tiny motion, green eyes serious. It felt like she was barely breathing, waiting to see what he would do next.

“I don’t think anybody has ever been that close to me,” he murmured lowly then and cocked his head to the side, eyes roaming her face as noted her proximity to him. “It’s different.”

“Do you want me to stop?” Summer whispered. She didn’t move, but she could feel a blush rising up her face. Irrelevantly, she remembered that there were studies claiming that staring into another person’s eyes for a few minutes could cause a real emotional attachment. Was that what was happening? Should she look away? She didn’t want to look away.



Summer clutched at him a couple more times, and somehow ended up with one arm draped over his waist as well, and a foot hooked around his leg. She let the credits play, and end, and return to the menu screen, without moving, before slowly tilting her head up to look at him.

“You’re very close to me,” he observed as the credit rolled on the screen, making absolutely no effort whatsoever to move. He was comfortable and it was almost as if he were afraid to move.

“I can stop.” She didn’t want to move, though, and she didn’t think he did either. She searched his face, watching every tiny motion, green eyes serious. It felt like she was barely breathing, waiting to see what he would do next.



“It’s gross every. Single. Time. Ew. Ew. EEEEEW.” She peered at the tv. “Oh good, it’s okay. Residual ew.” She snuggled herself more firmly under his arm. “Pay attention, this part is important.”

“No matter how many times you see it?” He laughed softly then and relaxed back against the sofa, arm wrapped loosely around her waist. Settling down and falling silent, he watched the remainder of the film curled against her.

Summer clutched at him a couple more times, and somehow ended up with one arm draped over his waist as well, and a foot hooked around his leg. She let the credits play, and end, and return to the menu screen, without moving, before slowly tilting her head up to look at him.