


The premise of minimum wage, when it was introduced, was that a single wage earner should be able to own a home and support a family. That was what it was based on; a full time job, any job, should be able to accomplish this.

The fact people scoff at this idea if presented nowadays, as though the people that ring up your groceries or hand you your burgers don’t deserve the luxury of a home and a family, is disgusting.


I’ll reblog this infinitely.

Plus, you know, the people who say minimum wage should not be raised often claim that by doing so, jobs will be cut. Utterly neglecting the fact that many people who earn minimum wage work two and three jobs in order to make ends meet — and that raising the minimum wage would allow those people to only work ONE job, thereby ‘releasing’ the other jobs they work to other people, effectively increasing the number of available jobs.



“I do see you,” she said, and added, almost too low to be heard, “maybe too much.” When his arms tightened, she looked back up at him, biting at her lip. “Isaac … “

Catching the barely audible words, Isaac’s expression softened and he cast her a curious smile, head tilting to the side. “Yeah? What is it, Summer?”

She couldn’t do it, she realised hazily. He was afraid of touch, and it was rushing, and they’d already come this far — she couldn’t let what she wanted ruin it. So instead she laid her head on his shoulder, making a contented hum, and said, “I’m really glad we met.”