Tag Archives: ihatefreezers



She considered him for a long time, mulling over options in her mind. There were only two choices — and only one of them was a real choice, honestly.

“Then I guess I’ll be your pack.”

Isaac was surprised by her reply to say the least. It took him a while to respond, going over in his mind just what that meant for both of them. 

“Do you know what pack is like? We’d be a family, always there for each other no matter what. Are you up for that? Do you think you can trust me enough for that?” If they were going to be pack mates they had to trust each other completely. 

“I already know I can trust you enough for that. The question is if you can trust me.” Summer spoke softly. “You don’t have my ability to cheat.” She turned her head, still hunched over her knees, and looked at him. “It’s up to you, if you can trust me. If you’ll let me take care of you.”



“There were no tracks,” Summer stated positively. “From here to the lake shore, there were NO tracks. Nothing to follow. It’s impossible to track a teleporter in that length of time. Someone must’ve been out in the woods, watching to make sure you died.” She shuddered convulsively. “You need a pack. How can we get you a pack?”

“Like I said, they always find me. It wouldn’t surprise me if they had someone stay behind to make sure they finished the job…” He let out a shaky breath. “Summer, you don’t get it. No pack wants to take me in. They all know I’ve got hunters on my tail, if they take me in it puts them all at risk.” The last thing he wanted was to get more wolves killed. 

She considered him for a long time, mulling over options in her mind. There were only two choices — and only one of them was a real choice, honestly.

“Then I guess I’ll be your pack.”



Rubbing her hands over her face, she blew out a sigh. “A lone wolf. And you were going to leave — how did you even imagine that you would be safe? Which reminds me — how the /hell/ did they find you here? That should not be possible.”

“I’ve lasted this long on the run, I thought I could manage on my own…obviously I was wrong.” He ran a hand through his tangled curls, letting out a shaky breath. “They always find me… It doesn’t matter how well I cover my tracks, it never works. They’ll be back…” 

“There were no tracks,” Summer stated positively. “From here to the lake shore, there were NO tracks. Nothing to follow. It’s impossible to track a teleporter in that length of time. Someone must’ve been out in the woods, watching to make sure you died.” She shuddered convulsively. “You need a pack. How can we get you a pack?”



Sinking down to sit on the stair, Summer shook her head wearily. “No, he’s not going to kill you. Not if I have anything to say about it.” She looked over at him, at Isaac’s white face peeking out from under the bed, and beckoned, as if to a small child. “Come on. Come over here.” Her head throbbed, a vicious ache stemming from the use of her ability.

“Is it going to scare you more to talk about it? I’m not going to let him have you, but it’d be nice to have some context here.”

Isaac managed a slight smile as he crawled out from his hiding spot, wandering over to where Summer sat on the top step of the stairs. He let out a sigh as he joined her there, shaking his head as he began to explain “It’s a long story,” he murmured, letting out a shaky breath. “When I was first bitten my alpha was killed by those men and my pack was murdered one by one. I was the only one left but they kept hunting me. I managed to get away at first. I was weak as an omega, an easy target, but no pack would take me in. Eventually they caught up with me and that’s the last I remember before you got me out of the lake. Those men are professionals. They’re angry that I got away and they’re not going to stop until they kill me.” 

Rubbing her hands over her face, she blew out a sigh. “A lone wolf. And you were going to leave — how did you even imagine that you would be safe? Which reminds me — how the /hell/ did they find you here? That should not be possible.”



She snarled, “/I’m/ not human. He’s offered me nothing but politeness; you barged into my home at night and threatened me and my guest. /You/ are the animal. Unless you want to spend the rest of your life cowering like one, GET OUT.”

She was so angry she felt sick, a faint tremor in her muscles warning of the edge she was walking. But she could not show even a hint of wavering; this man, this monster, would seize on that immediately. “If you still believe I cannot take care of myself, you are a fool,” she hissed.

The man hesitated slightly before bolting for the door. He spat out words of hate as he left. “She can’t protect you forever, Isaac, we’re going to find you and this time you’re not coming out of it alive.” With that he was gone, leaving Isaac cowering under the bed, traumatized. 

He peered over to where Summer was standing with a scared look on his face. “He’s going to kill me,” he whispered in a trembling voice. “He’s right — I can’t run forever. I’m going to die.” 

Sinking down to sit on the stair, Summer shook her head wearily. “No, he’s not going to kill you. Not if I have anything to say about it.” She looked over at him, at Isaac’s white face peeking out from under the bed, and beckoned, as if to a small child. “Come on. Come over here.” Her head throbbed, a vicious ache stemming from the use of her ability.

“Is it going to scare you more to talk about it? I’m not going to let him have you, but it’d be nice to have some context here.”



As she was shoved, Summer screamed — not with pain or fear, but rage. It sounded like it was shredding her throat, so vicious was it. “Too many words,” she shouted, and half a second later the man with the gun gaped at her, eyes widening, before he dropped the weapon and bolted out the door, whimpering.

The utter fear she was projecting swept through the house, and she made no effort whatsoever to control it, slamming into every other mind within the walls. Her skin felt like it was on fire, and she stalked up the stairs after the larger man, her hair billowing behind her in a hot wind.

Isaac heard the scream, covering his ears and wishing he wasn’t cursed with werewolf hearing in that moment. Luckily for him, Summer was on his side, so he wasn’t feeling the full effect of her powers. He let out a relived sigh as one of the men dashed out of the house, fear overwhelming him. He found himself not even worrying about the man charging up the stairs: Summer could handle him.

The man’s eyes widened as he glanced at the woman, astonished by her power: she looked like she could catch alight any second… “Look, lady, you don’t understand — ” he tried to reason with her desperately. “The man you’re looking after is an animal: he belongs in a cage. He’s not human, he’s dangerous and given the chance he’ll kill us all. Don’t put yourself in danger like that — let me take him somewhere he can be contained. Please.” 

She snarled, “/I’m/ not human. He’s offered me nothing but politeness; you barged into my home at night and threatened me and my guest. /You/ are the animal. Unless you want to spend the rest of your life cowering like one, GET OUT.”

She was so angry she felt sick, a faint tremor in her muscles warning of the edge she was walking. But she could not show even a hint of wavering; this man, this monster, would seize on that immediately. “If you still believe I cannot take care of myself, you are a fool,” she hissed.



Before she could respond or caution him or even explain, he was gone, up the stairs and swallowed by the darkness. Snarling under her breath, she got up and snatched up a walking stick from beside the door. Then she jerked it open.

“It is three in the morning,” she snarled, before flipping the overhead light on full in their faces. “You woke me up after an incredibly crappy day, and there had better be a damn good reason for it. One you can express in about five words.” She stood feet apart, both hands gripping the staff and clearly ready to strike.

The men tried to play the innocent card, shaking their heads “Ma’am, you don’t understand. There’s a missing person, he’s believed to be very dangerous: he’s a killer.” The man took a step forward, “and he’s hiding in your house. Let us keep you safe—he’ll hurt you.” Without asking for a reply, they barged through the open door. One man held a gun to her head. “Drop the weapon,” he warned, glaring at her as the larger man made his way up the stairs. 

As she was shoved, Summer screamed — not with pain or fear, but rage. It sounded like it was shredding her throat, so vicious was it. “Too many words,” she shouted, and half a second later the man with the gun gaped at her, eyes widening, before he dropped the weapon and bolted out the door, whimpering.

The utter fear she was projecting swept through the house, and she made no effort whatsoever to control it, slamming into every other mind within the walls. Her skin felt like it was on fire, and she stalked up the stairs after the larger man, her hair billowing behind her in a hot wind.



She struggled up out of sleep, grasping at his arms, and blinking. With a gasp, a candle flared to life by the couch where she lay. “How?” she said, cleared her throat, and tried again. “How?” She pushed herself upright, ignoring the fact that she didn’t have any pants on, and shoved the blanket aside.

Bracing both hands on the couch cushions, she closed her eyes, reaching out with her mind counting and sensing. “This doesn’t make sense,” she muttered, glancing up at him. “They can’t have tracked you.”

Isaac’s heart was racing despite his best efferts to calm himself. “Well, they did. They’re here— we need to—” His words were cut off by a knock on the door and he froze. “Pretend I’m not here,” he whispered to her. “I’ll hide upstairs, hopefully they’ll just go away.” He didn’t wait to be asked before he dashed up the stairs, hiding himself under a spare bed. 

The knock on the door came again, this time harder and more aggressive sounding. “Hey, lady, let us in!” a deep voice called. “You’ve got something that belongs to us.” 

Before she could respond or caution him or even explain, he was gone, up the stairs and swallowed by the darkness. Snarling under her breath, she got up and snatched up a walking stick from beside the door. Then she jerked it open.

“It is three in the morning,” she snarled, before flipping the overhead light on full in their faces. “You woke me up after an incredibly crappy day, and there had better be a damn good reason for it. One you can express in about five words.” She stood feet apart, both hands gripping the staff and clearly ready to strike.



Helios sprawled himself alongside Isaac, purring quietly, and Summer smiled fondly. “Good night, boys,” she said, voice soft. She went back to the couch and settled down, wriggling out of her jeans and turning off the lights.

Isaac smiled gratefully as she left the room. For a few hours, Isaac’s sleep was undisturbed. It was only when he heard Helios hiss that he jolted awake. The cat was staring out the window, obviously concerned about what he saw. Though Isaac assumed it was probably just the neighbor’s dog winding Helios up, he decided to take a look anyway.

He joined him at the window, eyes widening as he spotted a group of men, armed with tasers, leashes and collars, stroll up the driveway. He dashed into the room where Summer lay asleep, shaking her awake. “They’re here!” he gasped, obviously distressed. “The people I was running from — they’ve found me!” 

She struggled up out of sleep, grasping at his arms, and blinking. With a gasp, a candle flared to life by the couch where she lay. “How?” she said, cleared her throat, and tried again. “How?” She pushed herself upright, ignoring the fact that she didn’t have any pants on, and shoved the blanket aside.

Bracing both hands on the couch cushions, she closed her eyes, reaching out with her mind counting and sensing. “This doesn’t make sense,” she muttered, glancing up at him. “They can’t have tracked you.”



Summer perched on the edge of the couch, and gave him a quick once-over. “You look much better,” she commented, and stood up. Beckoning, she led him around a low half-wall, lined with bookcases, and gestured at the bed.

“Helios may try to knead you, just push him away if it’s a problem.” The fluffy, Siamese-pointed cat leaped up onto the bed and watched Isaac with blue eyes. “I’ll see you in the morning, okay?”

“Yeah, I feel a lot better..” he nodded with a grin as they wandered to the bedroom. Cats didn’t usually get along with werewolves, often hissing at him as soon as they saw him. Helios didn’t seem all that bothered however, maybe he was just too laid back to care. Isaac liked having him there. “He’s no trouble,” Isaac insisted with a grin before shifting his eyes from the cat up to Summer. “Thanks again…I’ll see you in the morning.” He nodded before laying his head down on the pillow, stroking the cat gently. 

Helios sprawled himself alongside Isaac, purring quietly, and Summer smiled fondly. “Good night, boys,” she said, voice soft. She went back to the couch and settled down, wriggling out of her jeans and turning off the lights.