Benedict Cumberbatch Knows About Your Mind Palace


Let’s get right into the important stuff. On Friday this happened. A few hours ago, this happened:

Me: I’m sure fans give you random crap all the time, but on Friday I gave you a note…about the mind palace?

BC: Yes! I’ve not had a chance to look online yet but I have it. I have it here actually; it’s in my bag. (note: the initial note was a scrawled paragraph with the web address)

Me: Well my printer’s working now so I printed it for you with a letter explaining things better.

BC: Oh, wow. Thank you.

Me: It’s incredible, thousands of people have one because of that.

BC: Does it really work then?

Me: Yeah! All these people passing exams and things because of it.

BC: You should patent it.

Me: (laughs) It’s on the internet.

BC: So? Seriously, if you can explain it in a way which makes it so easy to understand you should patent it!

Me: (laughs again) I just wanted you, the people who work on the show, to know about it. I’d never have done it if it weren’t for you, so if you could tell everyone about it…it’s just amazing; thank you.

BC: Thank you! I will. And I’ll read it now; straight after.

General write up under the cut.

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You are the most ridiculously adorable fan of that man I have ever heard of.