Roleplay with me! Feed me prompts!

I will roleplay with anybody, on tumblr. You wanna RP with me? Throw me a scenario, tell me who you’re being and who you want me to be, and I’m off. I can do Loki, I can do Sigyn, I can do reader/me, I can make characters up, whatever.

Also I will write for anybody! Same rules. Give me a prompt. Any kind of prompt, for my fandoms. I’ve got a lot of fandoms, actually, so just give it to me. Whatever.

I’m callin’ some of you out for this.

xanthine0, kikichan86, allthelovelybits, chaosmustbemaintained, toomanylokifeels, destinyglowstick, I’m calling you guys out. Give me some writing to do!