Loki and the firechild








“I can kill you, Thanos,” Loki whispered, holding him down with a ray of light from the spear.  ”I can kill you because now I have real reason to.  You have threatened not only me, but another, innocent.”  He plunged the spear into his chest, and narrowed his eyes, almost smiling, when Thanos screamed out in pain.  ”And I am not always without sentiment.”  He twisted the blade.

Summer’s scream echoed Thanos’. The pain was beyond outrageous. She dropped to the floor, bracing herself on hands and knees, breathing hard. “Don’t — play, Loki,” she gritted. “I’m in his — mind.” Clawing one hand off the floor, she shaped the pain into an enormous, swirling fireball, and flung it at Thanos.

Loki raised his eyebrows and stepped back slowly as the mass of flame hit its target.  He ripped the spear from the creature and watched proudly as he clutched at his own body, life leaving him, until finally he was still.  It was done, then.  A great hiss of air left his lungs in an exhale he did not know he had been holding back.  For a moment, the entirety of this forsaken place seemed to be still, resting, emptied of all action.  Loki turned slowly and allowed his eyes to focus on Summer, staring at her reverently.  He said volumes with that look.

And then the sound of an approaching army did a rather successful job of breaking the moment.

“I would suggest we run.”

Staggering to her feet, Summer clutched her arms around herself, trying to hold herself together. Tears ran down her face unnoticed. “Go first, then. I can fly. Go!” The last was a shout, over her shoulder, as she turned to face the direction of the sound. Wisps of fire began to swirl around her form again, even with arms locked tight around her shoulders and feet planted wide for balance.

Death chimed up and down her bones, making them sing out in cruel arpeggios. Summer wanted to be out of here, wanted to be home, safe, up to her neck in literal hot water and not metaphorical.

Wanted the pain to stop, wanted to believe Loki had listened to her.

Wanted to believe what his last look had implied.

Staring into the darkness, she held her ground, giving him time to escape.

Loki’s limbs locked up and he 2`tr0yho [[my cat really wants to contribute]] was conflicted in a way that was familiar and painful.  Summer was weak, and she was in pain, and it was his fault.  He had brought her into this.  Could he leave her?  Could he flee and save himself and leave her to her own devices?

“I…I can’t…are you strong enough?” his voice was too small, and they were losing time.  She didn’t look strong enough.

[hihi Jack. good boy Jack. precious fluffy kitty.]

“I have to be, don’t I?” she flung over her shoulder. “The longer you wait, the less chance I have. So either go, now, and trust me to catch up, or get over here and work that device again!”

The rising heat around her made her hair dance in wild abandon, and she took a deep breath, flinging her arms wide. “Come and get me, you bastards!” Summer screamed into the shadows, which abruptly shot long and dark away from her as her hands filled with flame.

He knew the teleportation device would not work unless they were at its point of origin again.  It was a good quarter mile away.

That was close enough.

“Not for me.  You will do no more for me, fire child!” he half yelled, and without giving her a second to even register what was going on, he gathered the woman in his arms and took off running, her arms slung awkwardly over his shoulders and the fire burning out in her hands.  He might not have been Thor, but he was strong, and very fast, and Summer wasn’t much of a burden.

“GRK—LOKI!” Summer’s surprise was so great she couldn’t react more than to shriek his name. “WHAT are you doing?!” She tried to jerk her head up, at least, so she could watch their backs, could warn him. A thought put the fire out, leaving the halls in shadow, but she didn’t need sight to guard them.

Empathic senses spread wide, net-like, searching for the least hint of discovery.