Loki and the firechild






Loki’s limbs locked up and he 2`tr0yho [[my cat really wants to contribute]] was conflicted in a way that was familiar and painful.  Summer was weak, and she was in pain, and it was his fault.  He had brought her into this.  Could he leave her?  Could he flee and save himself and leave her to her own devices?

“I…I can’t…are you strong enough?” his voice was too small, and they were losing time.  She didn’t look strong enough.

[hihi Jack. good boy Jack. precious fluffy kitty.]

“I have to be, don’t I?” she flung over her shoulder. “The longer you wait, the less chance I have. So either go, now, and trust me to catch up, or get over here and work that device again!”

The rising heat around her made her hair dance in wild abandon, and she took a deep breath, flinging her arms wide. “Come and get me, you bastards!” Summer screamed into the shadows, which abruptly shot long and dark away from her as her hands filled with flame.

He knew the teleportation device would not work unless they were at its point of origin again.  It was a good quarter mile away.

That was close enough.

“Not for me.  You will do no more for me, fire child!” he half yelled, and without giving her a second to even register what was going on, he gathered the woman in his arms and took off running, her arms slung awkwardly over his shoulders and the fire burning out in her hands.  He might not have been Thor, but he was strong, and very fast, and Summer wasn’t much of a burden.

“GRK—LOKI!” Summer’s surprise was so great she couldn’t react more than to shriek his name. “WHAT are you doing?!” She tried to jerk her head up, at least, so she could watch their backs, could warn him. A thought put the fire out, leaving the halls in shadow, but she didn’t need sight to guard them.

Empathic senses spread wide, net-like, searching for the least hint of discovery.

They burst out onto the black rocks, and Loki’s quick pace led them quickly the portal area.  ”You are an idiot to think I’d let you stay behind in that state,” he huffed bitterly.  Then he dropped her onto the ground unceremoniously.  

Those who pursued were still a growing rumble.

“Take hold, now!” he waved the device in front of her. 

Wincing as she put a hand on her own hair, Summer slapped a palm upward against the device. “Then I’m an idiot. You should’ve trusted me.” But her eyelids were flickering with exhaustion, and she could feel muscle tremors on the edges of her awareness.