





No reason. *shrugs* Although you’re still lying. I know fear when I taste it. Bitter and crippling. All you registered was my silhouette, and your whole heart screamed fear. I swear, you’re worse than Loki about lying about your emotions.

*taps her fingers on her leg, growing a tad irritated* Summer, dear, what reason would I have to be afraid of men? I’ve outsmarted enough in my time to know that- No, that’s not right. I’m thinking of the men of Asgard with that statement. I’ve interacted with enough to know that, just as with women, each individual is unique. But for some relatively minor physiological differences, the two genders are quite similar. There’s as much cause for me to be afraid of men as of women. And, as you said, I’m not afraid of Marie. *laughs softly* Though by some of the things she occasionally says, perhaps I should be. Tell me, was I afraid of you when you were a woman, will I be afraid when you’re a woman again?

That’s just it, Angela. You weren’t. At all. But as soon as I approach you in a male body, despite that you know what soul is there, you broadcast fear. Am I not making myself clear? I’m an empath, hon, and I can hear every emotion you have. You’re not shielding at all.

*sighs* Alright, fine. For argument’s sake, I’ll say you’re right. Well, if you’re looking for an explanation, I’m afraid I’m fresh out. Do you have any theories?

Nope. If you were human, I could hazard some, but I’m not taking any bets on whether Asgardian lifestyles are close enough to give the same experiences. *turns around to lean on the wall next to her, unintentionally kind of leering* I can probably help you get over it though.

*narrows her eyes, unfamiliar with his current expression* Oh? And how might you do that?

I’ve heard the best way to deal with a fear is to confront it over and over. *fits a hand behind her neck*