iamthefirechild started following you







It’s that automatic assumption that, that I’m a threat. To you. To yo—to him. /Everything’s/ a threat to you. 

You know what I can’t stand? Someone who acts like they know me after a few minutes’ conversation. Tony knows that. I got pissed at him for doing the same thing more than once.

Now I truly do owe you an apology. I shouldn’t be using my gift without telling people. *sighs* I’m an empath, Mr Stark. So in a sense, yes, I do know you after a few minutes’ conversation.

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No you don’t. I don’t care what kind of special power you have, you do not know me.

Ow. Can you please — your anger is so /loud/. Why are you so /angry/?

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Why am I so angry? Because you flirt with my husband, pretend you never wanted anything, then claim you know me after a few minutes.

It’s so close to the surface. I can’t even — it’s like there’s nothing else /there/, you idiot! All I can taste is /anger/!