What are you to me (check all that apply)?
[] A stranger.
[] A friend.
[] A best friend.
[] A crush.
[] A girlfriend/boyfriend.
[] A fiance/fiancee.
[] A husband/wife.
[] A family member.I think you are (check all that apply):
[] Annoying.
[] Kind.
[] Rude.
[] Generous.
[] Selfish.
[] Frugal.
[] Fickle.
[] Funny.
[] Polite.
[] Daring.
[] Cowardly.
[] Sweet.
[] Attractive.
[] Ugly.
[] Messy.
[] Neat.
[] Cool.
[] Dorky.
[] Smart.
[] Stupid.
[] Immature.
[] Mature.
[] Weird.If you were caught in an explosion, I would (check all that apply):
[] Get you to a hospital.
[] Check to see how badly you were hurt.
[] Tell you things that I was unable to before.
[] Panic.
[] Cry.
[] Let you be.If I saw you right now, I would (check all that apply):
[] Hug you.
[] Smile.
[] Be happy.
[] Kiss you.
[] Tackle-hug you.
[] Talk to you.
[] Slap you.
[] Yell at you.
[] Be secretly loathsome of your presence.
[] Do nothing.What are my feelings towards you? (check all that apply)
[] I like you.
[] I love you.
[] I’m IN love with you.
[] I enjoy your company.
[] I wish we talked more.
[] I want to see you.
[] I miss you.
[] I hate you.
[] I wish I’d never met you.
[] I enjoy seeing you suffer.
[] Who are you?If you died, I would (check all that apply):
[] Not care.
[] Be sad.
[] Cry.
[] Never recover.
[] Die of heartbreak.