




iamthefirechild replied to your photoset
*peers* Dude, are you … wow.

[looks up, eyes flashing golden with red dancing flakes] You shouldn’t be here.

*raises brows* And why is that?

Because I can’t control it. [there’s smoke rolling from his palms now and he’s fighting to hold it back] People get hurt.

*folds arms and leans on the doorframe* You /are/ putting off a lot of emotion. You care to explain what’s going on?

[he rolls his eyes, frustrated that she just won’t leave him alone to burn it out on his own] I suck at everything. The rest of my group is in the simulations and I’m still stuck in solitary work because I can’t fucking control my stupid powers.

You’re already doing better than I was, first time around. Or second, for that matter. So, okay. You’re frustrated, and angry. You’ve got fire. You feel out of control. *leans forward a bit* What order does it go in? Emotion first, then fire? Or the other way ‘round?