


100 Roleplay Scenarios!

Here’s How It Works!

  1. You and your RP group elect one RPer to roll the 100-sided dice. If you can’t decide, just go in alphabetical order of your tumblr roleplay blog usernames. Don’t worry, everyone will get a turn. (If you change your name to get ahead, you will be skipped over until the next time they get to your name. No excuses. Fair is fair).
  2.  Rolling the dice is easy: you go to this site, select “100” from the drop down list for number of sides, “1” for number of dice to roll and “1” for number of rolls. You are only allowed to roll once.
  3. Whatever number comes up, you look up the corresponding number on the scenario list above and figure out a way for your character to instigate it or introduce it. Be creative. Many of these scenarios are left open-ended and vague so the interpretation is entirely up to you.
  4. Watch the scenario unfold.
  5. Repeat once everyone gets bored/or when you want to heighten the stakes. Make sure you’re communicating with your RP group via OCC chat.
  6. Enjoy! 🙂

Keep in mind, that this isn’t just for the RPers out there. If any writers or artists are feeling stuck, you can use any of these scenarios as a prompt. Pick and choose or roll the dice and see what comes up.

Happy Imaginative Play!

Note: if Reposting, credit as the source. Please and thank you.

