

The demon’s trap vanished in an instant. Summer crouched, slowly, holding out a hand as to a feral cat. “Tony?” Ah, god, the shadows in his eyes cut like knives. “Tony, you’re safe now.” Gentle fingers brushed at the blood and water on his face, so like her own loved Tony. The lines etched in were different, a few scars and marks altered, but it was achingly close, and she wanted to draw him close.

Tony smacked her hand away with his right hand, his gloved left hand held protectively to his chest.  He lurched to his feet and stumbled back a few steps before straightening to…nearly his full height, shoulders still hunched with exhaustion.  He scrubbed his sleeve over his face and then plunged his hand into his pocket to pull out Anthony’s knife, which he flicked open only a bit less deftly than the demon.  “I wasn’t in trouble, you psychotic bitch!” he gritted out, knife held in a white knuckled grip as he pointed it at her, as if warding her off.

Startlement overset her into the ground. She stared upward, eyes fixed on the knife. “You don’t want to do that, Tony. Put the knife down.” Purposely, she stayed down, letting him tower over her. “You’ve been possessed by a demon. It’s gone now. You’re free.”