



“Stop acting the fool and I’ll stop treating you as one.” One hand seized his elbow, and then it was as if she was falling, or the world went away; there was an unpleasant roiling in her gut.

Summer blinked, shaking her head hard. “What the fuck. Just happened.” She could see Tony, hand still clutched close to his chest, and the reactor seeming to flicker in and out of view. And nothing else. All around stretched greyness, filled with dim and sourceless light. She turned, slowly.

Tony went rigid at her touch, and then in surprise as he looked around quickly.  His grip on the knife tightened further, and he clicked it open slightly, enough that he would be able to flip it the rest of the way open with a flick of his wrist.

“What did you do?” he demanded, forgoing looking around this new scenery (or lack thereof) in favor of keeping his eyes on her.

“I— I think we’re in your mind,” she whispered. Even that small sound carried in the space. “Some kind of interaction between my gift and your time hosting the demon … “

“Then get us back out of here,” he snapped, clicking the knife open and closed repeatedly, in a nervous gesture.  True, it wasn’t nearly as bright here—why would the inside of his mind ever be bright?—but why would he want her in here?

“I don’t know how we got /in/ here; I can’t get us out!” She frowned, folded her arms. “No, look, forget that for the moment. What is wrong with your hand, and what in the world is wrong with your mind?” Her eyes flared, and she slapped one hand over her mouth. Even then, her own voice said, “That’s not how I meant to say that.”