“Sorry.” Dustin blushed. “I uh grew up down South. As I’m sure ya can tell by the fact I kinda sound like a cowboy.” he chuckled at his own expense. He took a deep breath to calm his nerves (and hopefully his accent) “The one thing my pop taught me before he kicked my sorry ass out was to always….” He paused and blushed again. “Sorry ’bout that pardon my language…. He always taught me to be respectful to the fairer sex.”

She exaggerated her own slight accent a bit as she replied, “We might be kin.” She winked. “Let it be Miss Summer, then, not to outrage your pop.” A couple blocks was quickly walked, even in busy New York City. She paused at the corner across the street from her destination and pointed. “Stark Tower. Come on, before the light changes!”