“I already regret this.”




“Don’t be, this’ll be lots of fun for us, not everyday one goes exploring.”


Summer clasped her hands together, watching with held breath. She knew Arthur had won many tournaments; he was a skilled knight, but there was nothing to know about this stranger knight. His grip was strong, that was all she knew. And the way he spoke — she wondered if there were many folk in his castle; how long had he been plundering this bridge?

The dark knight’s shield was as black and blank as his armor. He lifted his sword in a kind of salute to Arthur, then brought it down in a mighty stroke.

Arthur didn’t know how this person would fight. Other knights from him or neighboring kingdoms, he could figure out. He’d spent lots of time watching them fight and train. So Arthur would have a general idea of how they would fight, the steps they took, parries and for forth. But this, this was all a mystery to him, one he wasn’t so sure about.

He held onto his shield, holding it up as he blocked the stroke and quickly moved away, swinging his sword in his own mighty strike.

The dark knight deliberately stepped into Arthur’s stroke, shield over his shoulder to keep the blade from his armor. He kept attacking, fiercely, attempting to drive Arthur back, and never once tried to parry or counter any of Arthur’s strikes, only interposing his shield as much as possible. He seemed to be trying to defeat Arthur through pure strength.