Secret Love



She couldn’t help laughing a little at the puppy-ish eagerness and excitement. He obviously didn’t know how cute biting his lip was, either. She resisted the fleeting temptation to touch his mouth.

“It /is/ me,” she said, instead of the half a dozen inappropriate things fleeting through her head. “My name is Summer.” She glanced around at the people milling around them, loud and happy, and back to him. “I think we should talk somewhere quieter, don’t you?”

Despite having had little to no doubts left that the girl in front of him was in fact the one who had sent him all those letters, Scott felt a wave of relief rush over him when he confirmed that it really was her. He didn’t even want to imagine how awkward it would have been if he had talked to the wrong person.

Scott smiled, feeling almost as nervous as he had been during one of his first dates with Allison. “Nice to meet you Summer,” he said, wondering if they should shake hands or not. Her question made him take a look around as well, realizing how loud the people around them really were. He had no idea how much time they had left before midnight, but from the excitement around them it couldn’t be very long.


“Yeah, good idea. Where do you wanna go?”

Oh, the butterflies in her stomach were getting worse. She’d forgotten — or maybe put out of her mind — the way it felt to talk to someone you really liked, hoping to get them to like you back. “Where will you feel safe? I’m not sure where is open right now … “

Okay, so she hadn’t thought that part through. She’d remembered to be aware that he might not trust her,but not that he might not be home, or that they might have to talk in the midst of a boisterous crowd gleefully shrieking the minutes til midnight.