

Obviously sarcasm was just this boy’s natural mode of expression. Summer all but held her breath and listened.

“A girl,” the hunter continued, doggedly. “Short. Skinny. Red hair. A lot of red hair. She’s dangerous. You seen anyone like that?” He didn’t look like he was put off in the slightest by Isaac’s sarcasm or hostility. In fact, he took a step closer, as if he was going to force his way into the house to search it.

Isaac cocked an eyebrow at the man as he continued to speak, insistent. When he took a step closer, Isaac glared, putting himself between the man and the house. “Look, I don’t know what your problem is, but there’s no girl here,” he said with an eloquent look. “So unless you want me to call the sheriff, who’s a personal friend, you should get off my property,” he added, keeping expression firmly determined. 

The hunter lifted his hands, plastering an entirely unbelievable expression of innocence on his face. He rocked back. “There’s no need for that. Just watch out for her. She’s dangerous.” He turned and walked away, hands in his pockets, very casual, and paused at the end of the driveway. “If you see her, make good on that threat.”