

“It’s not as much fun if they don’t catch us. I want betrayal, rage, not just confusion,” Summer muttered, sulkily. “She let me in because she was tired of control. Tired of hiding, of being afraid, of not taking risks. I’m hardly having to fight her at all.” A truly ugly smile curved her mouth. “We’re a unit, unlike you and your fragile human.”

“Fine then, get yourself some recognition.  I’m going to stick to the main plan.  Me and my mate have decided exactly how this is going to go down. They already know who he resides in, but I’m going to lay dormant for just a little while longer.  And then, when we’re ready, betrayal will come swift.”  The Nogitsune played with the edges of her nails.

“If you’ve already decided how it will go, what do you need me for?” She tapped her fingers, straight and stiff, on the steering wheel to a beat only she could hear. “Or were you planning to use us for cannon fodder? Betray us too? You didn’t even bother to find out what this one could do on her own, did you? And now I’m in control, and she cooperates. What’s to stop me betraying you?”

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