



Send me a " ○ " for my character's reaction to finding yours sitting outside in the rain, upset and crying

Erica was wet and cold. The one day she’d decided to walk to school, the weather had freakishly decided to turn in the middle of the day and bucket down with rain. She reached her front yard when she saw her red haired friend sitting on the doorstep in tears. “Summer? Sweetie, what’s wrong?” She ran over to her and embraced her in a hug, pulling the girl’s head into her shoulder to try and comfort her. She hated seeing Summer sad and she would do anything to make whatever was making her cry go away.

“What? Why Summer? He can help you, no one is going to judge you, we can figure out what happened and why it happened..” She didn’t understand why Summer was so reluctant but she pulled her close and hugged her tightly.

“I don’t want to be hunted,” she sobbed. The tremors grew worse, muscles in her legs jumping. Summer clutched her arms around herself, tensing in every limb in a futile effort to stop shaking. “Make it stop, Erica.”

“You’re not going to be hunted sweetie, I don’t know how to make it stop, I don’t know what to do.” Erica tightened her grip on Summer. She hated seeing her best friend so scared and stroked her hair, trying to soothe her. She needed her to calm down or who knows what would happen with her new powers.

Summer gulped in a deep breath, holding it while she struggled to get her shields up. It felt like it took forever; like building a sand castle in the tide zone. Finally the shakes began to slow, and she sobbed out her relief in Erica’s arms. 

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