Cait Sith Magic!Anon: Summer~



Summer stopped dead still in the doorway. “Vex?” It /looked/ like him, if someone had gotten clever and made a catboy version of him. Her eyebrows climbed. “What happened to you?” She made herself step into the room and close the door behind her, compelled by his voice in a different way than usual.

The Mesmer gave a hiss of utter annoyance, but when he opened his mouth to snap about the situation, it came out a low meow. Blinking, he cleared his throat and forced the English language to come to his vocal cords, “Those bloody Grey-Faces are what ‘appened, decided it’d be a good idea to turn me into a bloody feline.”  He curled into the couch and, out of instinct, licked his new-found cat claws, “Keep me company ‘til this goes away?”

Summer lifted a hand to cover her mouth. He was already annoyed, better not to make it worse by letting him /see/ she was laughing at him. She crossed to the couch, perching on the edge, and touched a fingertip to one ear. “It’s very cute, actually.” She glanced up and down his body, noting the fangs, ears, and tail to go along with the involuntary meow. “It really does suit you.”

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