tagged by: lycanthropelahey, three times omg girl stoppppppp

Rule 1: Always post the rules
Rule 2: Answer the questions the person who tagged you asked and write 11 new ones.
Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post.
Rule 4: Actually tell people you’ve tagged them.

  1. If you could be any supernatural creature, what would you be and why?
    I would be an empath, why do you think I write about being one? Honestly. Failing that, I would be a fire kitsune.
  2. Where do you see yourself in ten years time?
    Still married, with an awesome job doing web development for a little happy company, and two kids who drive me batty and are the light of my life. And still writing. So much writing.
  3. What’s your favourite book/series?
    That … tends to depend on what I’m reading at the time. Absolute, total, hands-down favourite — is probably Jacqueline Carey’s Kushiel triple trilogy.
  4. Do you have any habits/quirks that other people view as strange?
    Honey, everything about me is strange. The closest thing is probably my knee-length hair.
  5. What happened on the best day of your life so far?
    I got MARRIED.
  6. How would you spend the perfect day?
    There’s no such thing, and all the things I would want to do wouldn’t fit into one day. What I would want to do would depend on my mood.
  7. Are you a people person?
    HAHAHAHAhahaha — oh, you were serious. Fuck no. People are idiots.
  8. Favourite letter of the alphabet?
    That’s random. Um. K.
  9. Do you think you could survive a zombie apocalypse?
    I live in a houseful of guns, with a husband who watched preparedness videos and virtually belongs to the Zombie Squad, with best friends who are same. My assigned job is to organise people’s skills. What do you think?
  10. Any plot point you want to change in your favourite TV show, and why?
    Uh. Can I get back to you on that? 
    No, wait. It’s not so much a plot point — I would’ve put a line somewhere in S3b of Teen Wolf, or a scenelet, where Isaac discusses his inheritance.
  11. Do you prefer the city, or the country?
    The country, hands down.
  1. Name a guilty pleasure.
    I’m adopting Tom Hiddleston’s answer: none of my pleasures are guilty.
  2. One thing that you hate, that everybody else seems to love?
    Harry Potter. Welcome to Night Vale. Supernatural. Johnlock.
  3. Name one thing you want to do before your next birthday?
    Visit some country other than my own.
  4. Do you see yourself having children in the future?
    Absolutely Just as soon as one/both of us gets a steady job.
  5. What’s your favourite Disney movie?
    Robin Hood.
  6. Did/do you enjoy school?
    You know, I did. I disliked the social aspects, but learning, and my teachers, was always great.
  7. What’s your favourite fairytale?
    I like Mercedes Lackey’s retelling of Swan Lake very much.
  8. What made you choose to RP your character?
    I’ve been telling Summer’s story, in one way or another, for a long time. Bits of her have changed, but her essence has been there for a while. So I decided to share. It’s really just an extension of the self inserts I’ve been doing for ages.
  9. Favourite food from another country?
    Fish ‘n’ chips.
  10. What’s your favourite comfort food?
    It’s usually mac’n’cheese
  11. What is your opinion on selfies?
    It’s no different than photographs other people take on vacations, isn’t it? I mean, so we happen to live in an era where you don’t need to ask a stranger to take your photo; that’s pretty cool isn’t it? And we don’t feel bad sharing the photos we take of other things.
  1. Do you own all your favourite books by your favourite author?
    I do! AND they’re all signed, because my husband and one of my best friends are sneaky lil bastards. Praise to Saraphina for carrying nine hardcovers crosscountry to get them signed.
  2. Is there a moment that you regret, that you would change if you could?
    There are lots of moments. I do try not to dwell on them. I say bad things, I get caught in my own head. It happens. One big one? I can’t think of anything that stands out.
  3. Where do you wish you were, right now?
    This very minute? I like where I am. This general time period of my life? I wish I lived somewhere with fewer stupid people.
  4. Does your name mean anything?
    All my names mean something. Panya is the Russian shortname for Stephanie, which is Greek in origin and means ‘crowned one’. Panya also means ‘mouse’ in Swahili. 
  5. Do you often get mistaken for another age?
    Yeah, people usually do take me for about five years younger than I really am. Sometimes more. It’s fine.
  6. What did you want to be when you were younger, and has this changed?
    Yes and no. I’ve wanted to be a writer since ever, but the shape of it has evolved, and new things have been added.
  7. What song repeatedly gets stuck in your head?
    There is none. I get random earworms from all over the place, and sometimes I haven’t heard that song in ages.
  8. Have you or would you give blood?
    I would like to. Unfortunately, I can’t, due originally to weight restrictions, and now to medication restrictions.
  9. Do you have any beliefs or superstitions?
    I’m a four elements wiccan. I don’t tend to any of the standard superstitions, salt and clovers and cats and mirrors and such.
  10. Favourite colour?
    jade or teal.
  11. What’s your favourite book-to-movie adaptation?
    Stardust. Ahoy, Cap’n Shakespeare! Closely followed by Hogfather.

Ohhh, my head hurts. I can’t think of any questions, much less pick people to bother with this.

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