

She shrugged uncomfortably. “It’s nothing. This is what I do.” He had a nice smile, though, when he bothered. “So. Plans. Uh … I only really rent the downstairs bit? So while you could move in with me, I’m not really sure how comfortable that would be.”

“Whatever is easiest for you, I don’t want this to be a burden for you…” He had a small flat further down the street that he’d been sleeping in for a few weeks, but he’d stopped going there after the hunters found it. He could never stay in one place too long, so it was nice to know he could stay here without needing to worry. 

She reached out and made him look at her. “You don’t get to decide if it’s a burden for me, okay? If there’s a problem I’ll let you know. It’s a burden if you refuse to have opinions. So I need to know, are you gonna be okay here, where it’s pretty small, or should I try to come up with something difference?” She pointed down the stairs.

“The space I rent is basically a studio space. One bedroom, one bathroom.”

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