Tag Archives: Bella Luna

Bella Luna | @prince-of-camelot, @wordlesswarlock






Arthur looked over at Merlin and sighed. “Well, as you can see Merlin, I’ve been here.” He said crossing his arms. He turned to Summer. “Pardon him, he’s my manservant. An annoying one at that.”

Merlin shot Arthur a pointed look before straightening up, taking his leather-bound journal out of his pocket, and writing, ‘Sorry, I wasn’t expecting him to have company with him. My name is Merlin.’ He held his hand out to Summer for a handshake and mouthed to Arthur, “Your father threatened to throw me in the stocks if I didn’t find you immediately.”

Summer couldn’t help laughing at the byplay. She clasped Merlin’s hand quickly, bowing over it a little bit. “You have a mute manservant. I would say, is that so he can’t talk back to you, but I see he has managed that anyway.” She folded her arms. “Do you,” a quick shake of head, and she looked at Merlin, “does he need to go back to the citadel?”

He restrained himself from rolling his eyes. “Even though Merlin doesn’t speak, he’s still able to talk back at me. Trust me.” Arthur faced his manservant. “I doubt my father would go that far. Plus I did tell him I was going to be out for a while. I guess he forgot.”

‘Somebody has to talk back every once in a while. If I didn’t, who knows how big his ego would get?’ teased Merlin good-naturedly before shrugging. ‘It certainly wouldn’t be the first time he’s put me in the stocks for something like this, but maybe he did forget,’ he agreed. ‘He didn’t give me that much information.’ He was a bit sorry to be interrupting whatever was happening (mostly for Summer’s sake rather than Arthur’s), but the servant didn’t know what else to do, especially now that there seemed to have been a miscommunication between Arthur and Uther.

“Idris won’t mind if I come back in early, since the bandits. Better safe than sorry, he’ll say, and be right, as usual.” Summer checked over her basket before picking it back up, then smiled at the two men. “How lucky I am, such an escort! Two handsome fellows at my side. Even the Lady Morgana would envy me this day.”

Bella Luna | @prince-of-camelot, @wordlesswarlock







“Well, I am apprenticed to the town physician Idris, and so someone must collect the herbs in season that we use for our skills. I am younger by far than Master Idris, so I go.” Clasping one hand on the basket’s handle, Summer beckoned to Arthur. “He trusts me full well to take care of myself, and today is the first time I have been bothered by any.”

He nodded in acknowledgement. ”Make sense.” He said to himself. Arthur had a questioning look on his face. “I wonder what made today different.” He looked around and saw Merlin in the distance. 

His face beet red and his breath coming in quick pants, Merlin ran up to and stopped in front of Arthur and Summer. He nodded to the unknown girl in greeting, shoved a crumpled paper that read ‘Where have you been? I’ve been looking everywhere for you!’ towards Arthur, and rested his hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath.

“It’s a good question. I expect it was a band just starting out, or possibly lost. Banditry this close to Camelot is one of the less intelligent ideas I’ve heard.” Summer raised her eyebrows in bemusement as the dark-haired … no, not boy, definitely a man, ran up to Arthur and unceremoniously shoved a scrap at him. “Needed back at the citadel, sire?”

Arthur looked over at Merlin and sighed. “Well, as you can see Merlin, I’ve been here.” He said crossing his arms. He turned to Summer. “Pardon him, he’s my manservant. An annoying one at that.”

Merlin shot Arthur a pointed look before straightening up, taking his leather-bound journal out of his pocket, and writing, ‘Sorry, I wasn’t expecting him to have company with him. My name is Merlin.’ He held his hand out to Summer for a handshake and mouthed to Arthur, “Your father threatened to throw me in the stocks if I didn’t find you immediately.”

Summer couldn’t help laughing at the byplay. She clasped Merlin’s hand quickly, bowing over it a little bit. “You have a mute manservant. I would say, is that so he can’t talk back to you, but I see he has managed that anyway.” She folded her arms. “Do you,” a quick shake of head, and she looked at Merlin, “does he need to go back to the citadel?”

Bella Luna | @prince-of-camelot, @wordlesswarlock







“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Summer.” He said with a genuine smile. “Would you like me to accompany you?

His smile was infectious, and she had to return it. “That would be very welcome, sire. It’s not often a lady gets to spend time alone with the heir, is it?” Kneeling with the basket over her arm, Summer nipped the tops off a few flowers, adding them to her haul. Tossing her hair back over her shoulder, she stood up again, eyes flicking quickly over the landscape.

“It would be my pleasure.” He said, not able to keep his eyes off her. “So, what exactly are you doing out here by yourself?”

“Well, I am apprenticed to the town physician Idris, and so someone must collect the herbs in season that we use for our skills. I am younger by far than Master Idris, so I go.” Clasping one hand on the basket’s handle, Summer beckoned to Arthur. “He trusts me full well to take care of myself, and today is the first time I have been bothered by any.”

He nodded in acknowledgement. ”Make sense.” He said to himself. Arthur had a questioning look on his face. “I wonder what made today different.” He looked around and saw Merlin in the distance. 

His face beet red and his breath coming in quick pants, Merlin ran up to and stopped in front of Arthur and Summer. He nodded to the unknown girl in greeting, shoved a crumpled paper that read ‘Where have you been? I’ve been looking everywhere for you!’ towards Arthur, and rested his hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath.

“It’s a good question. I expect it was a band just starting out, or possibly lost. Banditry this close to Camelot is one of the less intelligent ideas I’ve heard.” Summer raised her eyebrows in bemusement as the dark-haired … no, not boy, definitely a man, ran up to Arthur and unceremoniously shoved a scrap at him. “Needed back at the citadel, sire?”

Bella Luna | @prince-of-camelot, @wordlesswarlock



Summer Rainault shaded her eyes, glancing up at the sun. She’d stay out another hour before heading back to Camelot. She’d found a good harvest of the herbs that were wanted by the physician, but the day was more than nice enough to linger. Early autumn wasn’t often so.

Absorbed in her task, she didn’t pay much attention to the sounds around her until the several roughly dressed men had surrounded her.

“Well hey, what’s this?” one of them growled, brandishing a knife at her. “Pretty girl, all alone, not a good thing.” Another one chuckled, a cruel sound.

“All your money, and quickly,” the one with the knife said, beckoning.

Summer twisted her mouth sideways. “Do I look to have money on me, you fool?”

Arthur was walking around the town making sure everything was in order. Seeing that everything was, Arthur started to head back to the castle, when a group of people caught his eye. He turned to them and saw a girl surrounded by men. He walked towards them and tapped one of them on the shoulder. 

“Ya what do you want?” The man turned around and asked him.

Arthur crossed his arms. “Is there a reason you’re surrounding this young lady?”

The man with the knife quickly came up with an excuse, “Oh, we were making sure she got home safely. We didn’t want her to get hurt, since she’s all alone.”

The prince didn’t believe them, of course, so he walked between them and took the girl’s arm. “I’ll make sure she gets home. Go before I punish you all.” He said as the men scurried away. “Are you alright?” He asked the girl.

Summer turned an amused and bemused expression on her rescuer. He was certainly dressed for the part, chainmail and the red cloak of the knights of Camelot.

Then she got a good look at his face, and the smile twisted a little. “I’m fine, sire. They hadn’t done more than threaten me.”