Tag Archives: clxustrophxbic


                      ( + open. )


hes stressed out, and its obvious.       he only does
that thing with his fingers when hes   s t r e s s e d.
loud  SNAPS  of fingers and  CRACKS  of knuckles
echo  through  the  room   as  he  paces  the  room.
his footsteps are even,    but his heart rate is not
IF they can hear that its not obvious,         because
nobody seems to stop him from his nervous antics.
but,      that BACK and FORTH pattern of footsteps
and fingers should be annoying someone,   right??

“Can you stop that already? I’m trying to study here, and you’re making it really hard.” As if the frustrations rattling in his head weren’t bad enough, he has to express them physically? With a huff, she closes the book over her pencil and half-turns in her chair to stare at him. “You want to tell me what’s wrong, or are you just going to drive me up the wall til one of us snaps?”


{ & iamthefirechild }


She made sure to put off a little extra heat for him, and laughed into his shoulder. “Silly Isaac.”


all he can do is curl closer with a soft purring
noise   as  she  gets   warmer;    the   opposite
of the werewolf he  was.    a  huge  smile  was 
glued on his face as his legs tangled with hers.

                      “   Youre warmmmm   ”

“Just for you,” she whispered into his skin. She tucked her knees up and snuggled closer still. “Don’t let go.”


{ & iamthefirechild }

“You’re so warm,” she murmured drowsily. She turned her head to kiss his cheek and giggled a little. “You’re worse than the cat. What is it with you and cuddling, anyway? Are you making up for back then?” She clasped her hands over his at her waist, running light fingertips up and down his arm.

   Youre warm tooooo,    he whispered as he pulled her closer, nuzzling further into her neck.  The kiss make him hum with content;  his fingers on her waist making their way under the hem of her shirt,  just rubbing them over her skin in an affectionate way.     I just like affectionnnn.    Her fingers on his arms made Isaac shiver and laugh lightly, like they tickled in the smallest way.

She loved his laugh, and kept brushing his arms to make him keep laughing. “Mmmmmm.” She kissed his hair, then, and anything else she could reach. “Precious Isaac.”


               ( iamthefirechild liked for a holiday thing. )


                      “   cuddle with me. please?? its christmas
                               &   you look really cute in my old hoodie. 

she really did look nice in his clothes.
they were all baggy & adorable on her
seeing  as  they  always  seem  to  fall
loosely  off  her shoulders  in  the  way
that made  him  adore  her  even more.

“I’ll always cuddle with you, babe.” The hoodie comment made her blush a little; it was huge on her, reinforcing the way she always felt with Isaac: safe and protected. She tucked herself into his arms, sleeves flopping over her hands, and rubbed her face against his shoulder. “Happy Christmas,” she whispered.




“Demanding today, aren’t we? Well, I guess I can accommodate you this time.”


                      “   Yes; Im cold &
                          youre warm Hurry up,
                          Sum, I wanna cuddle!!


“Yes, okay, here I am.” She wrapped an arm around his shoulders and hugged him in close.