Tag Archives: coulsonphilcoulson





Summer tapped at Agent Coulson’s door, slouching slightly against the frame.

“Mr Coulson?” she called. “Man, this is gonna suck if he’s not even here. Seriously, doesn’t anyone keep up with what’s going on around here?”

In all fairness, he’s off-duty and has been off-duty for the past two hours. But he’s also been hiding out in his office, attempting to finish this report about one of his newer Agents and their latest foul-up without anyone really knowing he was still at work.  So when the knock came, he sighed, signing one more line before pinching the bridge of his nose and calling out, “enter.”

She swung around the doorframe, tshirt and jeans and hair ruthlessly yanked back in an unforgiving braid, and eyed the piles on his desk. “Doc says you aren’t to just sit here in between missions, and since I need an unpowered workout partner and you’re supposed to work out … yeah.”

Phil raised an eyebrow at the other Agent. “Given patient-doctor confidentiality, I find it circumspect you’ve been speaking to my doctors and know what orders they have given me for proper recovery.  If they have offered such information up to you freely, then their jobs may not be theirs for much longer.”  He leaned back in his chair. “If you simply need a workout partner, I would recommend asking me properly.”

“Hey, he cornered me, not the other way round. This was by no means my idea first, okay, Mr Coulson.” Summer folded her arms and stood up straighter. Phil Coulson had that effect on people sometimes. “Let’s try this again. Dr. Streiten told me that I was to be your workout partner, that it was a case of serendipity since a) I needed one anyway who didn’t have powers, and b) I could monitor your health while we were at it without needing to hook you up to a lot of machines. He said I was under no circumstances to allow you to wriggle out of it, and neither was I to allow you to overwork yourself.” She gave a meaningful glance to the paperwork. “Do I need to call him? You want formal written orders?”



Summer tapped at Agent Coulson’s door, slouching slightly against the frame.

“Mr Coulson?” she called. “Man, this is gonna suck if he’s not even here. Seriously, doesn’t anyone keep up with what’s going on around here?”

In all fairness, he’s off-duty and has been off-duty for the past two hours. But he’s also been hiding out in his office, attempting to finish this report about one of his newer Agents and their latest foul-up without anyone really knowing he was still at work.  So when the knock came, he sighed, signing one more line before pinching the bridge of his nose and calling out, “enter.”

She swung around the doorframe, tshirt and jeans and hair ruthlessly yanked back in an unforgiving braid, and eyed the piles on his desk. “Doc says you aren’t to just sit here in between missions, and since I need an unpowered workout partner and you’re supposed to work out … yeah.”

coulsonphilcoulson replied to your post: I wish I was better at ge…

i’m down for playing…we’ve never had a thread with this character and phil before, that’s all. we were doing it strictly through asks…

I know your Phil … oh, hell, how do I even put this. I’m not looking for a sexual or romantic relationship thread, but I would like to have some threads where the guy she’s talking to isn’t strictly gay, and your Phil is pretty wrapped up in Tony, or Steve, or Clint, or basically anyone that’s canon and male.

Ignore me, I don’t make sense.