Tag Archives: feminism

As promised: Rosie reviews Fifty Shades of Grey.

As promised: Rosie reviews Fifty Shades of Grey.

*Fans consistently express desire for movies with more diverse leads*
Marvel: Well, you see, it’s not that we don’t want to, it’s just that we already laid out this plan that just happens to not include those, and everything is just so tightly woven together and carefully planned that we couldn’t possibly add anything or change anything without ruining the whole plan.
*Marvel unexpectedly acquires Spider-Man rights*
Marvel: Okay, we want to get him onscreen ASAP, but we didn’t plan for him to be in Phase 2. No biggie, we’ll just push all of these movies (including the only female-led and PoC-led movies we’ve announced) back several months, and he’ll fit in perfectly with no repercussions to the overall plan beyond changing release dates. In fact, we’re still early enough on that we can probably write in a role for him into the movie before his!
Me: ಠ_ಠ

Women do the lowest work of the society whatever that lowest work is perceived to be; and when women are the primary workers in a field, the field itself takes on the females’ low status. Therefore, it is false to think that the inferior status of women will dissolve when women do productive labor or enter freely into high status professions. When women enter any field in great numbers, the status of the field itself is lowered. The men who are in it leave it; the men looking for work will not enter it. When men leave a field, they take its prestige with them; when men enter a field, they bring prestige to it. In this way, the subordination of women to men is perpetuated even when women work for a wage and no matter what w ork women do.

Andrea Dworkin, Letters From A War Zone (via nolovefortheman)

I know.  It makes me sad.

(via ellenkushner)














Every damn year. 

I need to learn how to draw a decent Batman pic.

So what you’re trying to say is that women people prefer well-drawn pictures of their favorite superheroes over really shitty indie comics about boobs?

Sounds right.

Are we supposed to feel sorry for the person whose humor comic featuring a disembodied pair of breasts on the cover is getting passed over?


this feels like it should be a parody but it isnt and that’s hilarious

maybe try not being sexist unfunny douchelords next time


No, no way is this a serious complaint (I said to myself). No one’s that un-self aware. This has got to be a parody about gross “indie” comics skeeving up the con atmosphere, and the schadenfreude we’re totally intended to feel at their failure.

So I went to the OP’s tumblr to check context and.

This was just supposed to be a comic about how hard it can be for the unknowns to find their audience. Anything else you see is your own interpretation of the page.

They are serious.

That is more hilarious than any punchline actually in the comic. I’m honestly crying with laughter right now.

wow cry me a THOUSAND tears about how hard it is for white men to get into the comics industry by drawing tits

I can think of very few female comic readers who wouldn’t choose the Green Lantern image over a comic with nothing but boobs on the cover 😛 If the OP wants female fans as their target audience, they need to make some changes or expect not to get any of their money.

Oh god… he edited the original post to “Apologies to anyone offended by the cover.”  … Not “Apologies, I made a really gross and alienating statement.”  He does this in another post, as well trying to justify it all.   /facedesk

Wow, this is a perfect example of the creative blind spots I’ve been talking about. This comic was not intended to be satire. The OP completely missed the significance of having just a pair of boobs on a magazine cover and its effect on a female audience. In the OP’s own words:

In the original script I said there was a comic being held up without specifying what was on it, so Paul just drew a pair of breasts and I put the page up because at the time I saw nothing wrong with it, and when I put it on tumblr, the unfortunate implications never crossed my mind until they were pointed out to me.”

There was no sexist intent behind this comic (or clever expose of sexism), but this clearly illustrates how so much offensive content gets released in comics, games, and other media. It looks okay to the people making it.

This is why we need women, PoC, and LGBT people in industries that are dominated by one POV. We need to start viewing content through more than one lens.

I talk about it at length HERE.

(emphasis mine)

Complete and uncensored, the reason many people take issue with the comics world (and other media dominated by homogenous culture). Straight from the horse’s mouth, unintentionally.

I had to read that comic three times to believe it.

This deserves a second reblog.









Sexism 60’s


What the fuck was wrong with men in the 60’s?

advertising is important as it’s the historian’s best resource for identifying the values of an era. but yeah, these were fucked. the 60s was generally as fucked as the 50s. people forget that. 

It literally says ‘men are better than women’ in bold type, what the fuck. I knew this was a thing, but that is a lack of subtlety I couldn’t have written into a spoof…

This is the generation that spawned most of our parents… People our parents’ age run Washington. Starting to make sense?

When you look to the past, the struggles of the present become a great deal more clear.


Just a reminder of the not-too-distant past…

When Enough is Too Much.



If you’ve folllowed gaming news or possibly even some other news in the past day or so, you might have heard how Anita Sarkeesian was forced to cancel an appearance at Utah State University after threats of a massacre were made if she carried out her talk. Utah’s gun laws wouldn’t permit police to search or restrict properly permitted firearms at the event, and school shootings motivated by anti-feminism are a legitimate possibility, so Anita did the smart thing—the responsible thing—and canceled her appearance.

But this isn’t a win for anybody. The person who made these threats didn’t accomplish anything but further the impression that an ever-greater portion of gamers suffer from a range of psychological problems, from social maladjustment to psychopathic urges. Whoever it was, they thought it would be funny, or cool, or heroic to put a stop to all this feminine nonsense. But they were wrong. There’s nothing “funny” about shooting someone, it isn’t “cool” to try and keep someone from speaking their mind, and there’s no heroism in threatening to murder a bunch of peaceful unarmed people.

If you agree with me, then you share the same responsibility I do: to stand up against this kind of sick, twisted, bullshit behavior. You don’t have to take to the streets waving a sign to make a difference. When you see a threatening, harassing, misogynist or otherwise just fucked up tweet, respond and tell them the truth: that shit ain’t cool. Got friends on Facebook who think its fun to call women cunts and bitches, joke about raping or even killing them? Make those ex-friends. Use those downvotes on Reddit. Let a socially primitive Tumblr user know what you think. We live in a socially empowered world. The people who don’t feel this kind of behavior is okay ought to be able to use it as well.

This is a poison in our culture and it needs to be stamped out, or whatever the appropriate analogy happens to be. It won’t be fixed overnight, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t start now. I don’t generally use this space as a soapbox, but there are times when I have to speak up on things. This is one of them, because it’s behavior we tolerate from fellow “gamers” which shouldn’t be tolerated from anybody. Threats of rape and violence—whether intended to be carried out or not—aren’t acceptable, no matter what the reason and especially not because someone has the audiacity to speak about something you like. If you disagree, then you’re just flat wrong, and if you disagree strongly enough that it affects your view of me, then find the unfollow button.

Ultrace speaking the truth.

What he says above holds true here. If you think this crap is acceptable, the door’s over there, and don’t let it hit your arse on the way out.

The Standard you walk past is the standard you accept. And we do not accept misogyny or the all too prevalent and pervasive Rape Culture. 



these are both still male dominated like……….this is wrong this is not more women than men look its plain and simple wtf

This might be a really good example to use the next time I see that post talking about how people perceive more than 30% (I think that was it) of women to be a majority.

Because both those numbers are bigger than 30

But they’re still less than fucking 50


What women tell women to do to prevent rape and violence takes on the character of magical thinking — rituals and talismans and rites of cleanliness meant to prevent uncontrollable circumstances. The advice is always terrible in some way, and it has a certain desperate powerlessness to it. These rituals have come to be because they are comforting and allow many women to function. The alternative to this advice is for many women even worse than this advice, even though the advice is awful. It is admitting that we live in a world of men’s violence, and that we can do nothing about it. Comforting the victim means accepting that tomorrow, you could be the victim, your daughter or son could be the victim, and there is nothing you can do about it.