Tag Archives: [he\’s not even going to ask her name?]

“I Break Everything I Touch”||@iamthefirechild



Summer lowered herself to the ground entirely before drawing in her wings. “Oh, well, I’m just … a pinch hitter, I guess you might say. SHIELD doesn’t really agree with you, they like my sister much better than me.” She held out a hand. “It was a pleasure working with you, though, Captain. Steve Rogers, right, behind the shield?”

“Hmm..” Steve frowned in disapproval. “Well I don’t believe in choosing favourites. And I say, it was great to have you around.” he threw a friendly salute in her direction and nodded. “That’s right Ma’am.”

She shrugged. “I don’t really care. Winter’s far more suited to them than I. I appreciate the compliment, though. It’s always nice to be wanted.” Looking down at her mask, she sighed. “Excuse me for a second.” Summer turned around, looping the mask over one shoulder, and aimed both hands upward, checking for anything up there. All clear, she poured fire straight up in a blazing column for long seconds.