Tag Archives: rp: tale of sir isaac

the Tale of Sir Isaac



The seneschal executed a brief bow and withdrew, leaving the bedroom door open but closing the door to the outer chamber. After a discreet few moments a young boy, hardly more than ten, opened the door cautiously. “Milord? I’m supposed to help you dress … “

Dressed in his undergarments as he attempted to find the remainder of his clothing, Isaac whirled to face the small child hovering in the doorway, and he regarded him with pity. “I’m mostly done, child, but thank you all the same.” He flashed him a polite smile and then frowned. “But if you could help me find my clothing, that would be much appreciated?”

Silently, the boy pointed to a shirt draped over the firetools, then knelt to reach under a chair. He reappeared with Isaac’s breeches and an expression that suggested he thought Isaac was a bit slow.

the Tale of Sir Isaac



He wasn’t allowed to sit alone for longer than it took to think that thought. The seneschal looked briefly appalled at Isaac’s state of dress, then schooled his face. “Milord, we will need your assistance with the wedding plans. I shall send a manservant to assist you in dressing and escort you to the offices, if you please. Also you have an appointment with the tailor at one candlemark past nooning.”

Isaac lifted his head and locked wide eyes on the person addressing him, nodding with obvious reluctance. As excited as he was about the approaching wedding, he was nervous too, and he was relieved that they weren’t being left to organise and orchestrate the entire thing themselves, obviously. “Thank you,” he stated simply with a polite nod, before standing up to search for some clothes, not entirely comfortable with a manservant seeing him like this, even if it was the norm.

The seneschal executed a brief bow and withdrew, leaving the bedroom door open but closing the door to the outer chamber. After a discreet few moments a young boy, hardly more than ten, opened the door cautiously. “Milord? I’m supposed to help you dress … “

the Tale of Sir Isaac



They made brief work of the breakfast, though it was effort to keep their hands from one another. When Maire blew back in, therefore, Summer cast an apologetic glance at Isaac. Going to him, she touched his cheek and whispered, “I’ll see you later today, alright?”

“Come on, ducky, it’s time to measure you for the wedding dress.”

Enjoying a breakfast with his beloved seemed like a perfect way to begin the day (after their brief interruptions, of course), but all too soon, it was over and Summer was being ushered away.

“I’ll see you later.” He pressed a quick kiss to her wrist and then sat back in his chair, not entirely sure what he should be doing in her absence. Training seemed like a safe option.

He wasn’t allowed to sit alone for longer than it took to think that thought. The seneschal looked briefly appalled at Isaac’s state of dress, then schooled his face. “Milord, we will need your assistance with the wedding plans. I shall send a manservant to assist you in dressing and escort you to the offices, if you please. Also you have an appointment with the tailor at one candlemark past nooning.”

the Tale of Sir Isaac



“It would take the servants half a candlemark to bring enough water to fill a bath up here, let alone heat it.” Summer poked at the food on the tray; oat porridge and eggs and preserved fruits, sweet and thick with honey. Not for the mornings the delicate finger foods sent to tempt them last night; she held out a piece of bread heavy with bits of dried apple and nuts for Isaac.

He sighed deeply and filed away the desire for later — after all, they had plenty of time to bathe together, providing they could convince the servants to indulge them, of course. Eyeing her outstretched hand with a smile, he took the bread from her and bit into the crust, humming appreciatively at the taste. “I’m tempted to stay here forever, simply for the food alone!” he teased with a crooked smile, after chewing and swallowing his current mouthful.

They made brief work of the breakfast, though it was effort to keep their hands from one another. When Maire blew back in, therefore, Summer cast an apologetic glance at Isaac. Going to him, she touched his cheek and whispered, “I’ll see you later today, alright?”

“Come on, ducky, it’s time to measure you for the wedding dress.”

the Tale of Sir Isaac



“Why don’t I believe you?” she murmured, turning her back to him and pulling the embroidered robe more tightly around her. “Come on, Isaac. Get up.”

He grinned wickedly and sat upright enough to slide off of the bed, moving to reach for his own robe and wrap it tightly around his waist. “Do we have time to bathe, or are we on too much of a time restraint?”

“It would take the servants half an hour to bring enough water to fill a bath up here, let alone heat it.” Summer poked at the food on the tray; oat porridge and eggs and preserved fruits, sweet and thick with honey. Not for the mornings the delicate finger foods sent to tempt them last night; she held out a piece of bread heavy with bits of dried apple and nuts for Isaac.

the Tale of Sir Isaac



“Isaac!” she exclaimed, putting her hands over her face. “How am I supposed to behave if you do that?”

He blinked and shifted on the bed, shrugging broad shoulders. “I was just stretching, but I can tease you a little more, if you’d like?”

“Why don’t I believe you?” she murmured, turning her back to him and pulling the embroidered robe more tightly around her. “Come on, Isaac. Get up.”

the Tale of Sir Isaac



“The way she just barged in here and … oh, I don’t know. For the awkwardness of it.” She lifted his hand and kissed it, lingering over each knuckle. “She really will come back in here if we don’t do as she says.” With a mischievous glint, Summer hopped out of bed, taking the blankets totally off the end of the bed with her.

“That’s hardly your fault — in fact, I think it’s brilliant that your servants are so comfortable with you,” he stated with obvious admiration, breath hitching as she peppered his hand with kisses, his fingers caressing her face. And, as soon as his naked body was bared to the air, he huffed and slowly sat up, stretching languidly. 

“Isaac!” she exclaimed, putting her hands over her face. “How am I supposed to behave if you do that?”

the Tale of Sir Isaac



Summer pleaded, “Maire, please go away,” scrabbling to pull at least one bit of fabric over them. “I promise we’ll get up. Just please go away?”

The housekeeper tsked, but somehow managed to bustle across the few steps to the door. “I’ll be back in half a candlemark, darling, see that you do. Don’t let the handsome lad distract you, now.”

And then she was gone, the door closed behind her, and Summer dropped flat on the bed with a huff. “Oh my God,” she said, half-laughing. “I swear I didn’t know she would do that, I promise, that wasn’t supposed to happen, she usually leaves me alone.” She peeked at Isaac. “Are you angry with me?”

A blush blossomed across his cheeks at the woman’s compliment, and he decided then and there that he liked her, even if he was uncomfortable with her seeing him like this. Burrowing under the security of the blankets, he watched her leave with wide eyes, a furrow forming in his brows as the door closed behind her.

He made to speak, when Summer’s comment registered and his eyes widened and he immediately sat up, blankets sliding down to pool at his hips as he shook his head furiously. “No!” he protested instantly, anger and disbelief infusing that single word as he reached out for her hand. “Why on earth would I be angry with you, Summer?”

“The way she just barged in here and … oh, I don’t know. For the awkwardness of it.” She lifted his hand and kissed it, lingering over each knuckle. “She really will come back in here if we don’t do as she says.” With a mischievous glint, Summer hopped out of bed, taking the blankets totally off the end of the bed with her.

the Tale of Sir Isaac



“I’m the housekeeper, ducky,” she said comfortably, still smiling broadly. “Come now, out of the bed, there’s much to do and you’ve kept to yourselves long enough.”

Summer sighed, closing her eyes. “Maire, we were busy,” she said meaningfully.

“Sure, and don’t I know it, and aren’t we all pleased as punch for it, darling, but the sun’s high and the seneschal’s impatient, and so’s the seamstress.” The housekeeper pulled at the blankets, tugging them away. “I’ve brought you breakfast.”

“I thought I was a princess,” Summer muttered.

Isaac wasn’t entirely used to being naked around any other female other than Summer, and this housekeeper didn’t seem at all bothered by their appearance at all. In fact, he’d even go as far as to say that she was amused, and he didn’t quite know how to react to that.

“Excuse me — ” he intervened, before faltering and eyeing her skeptically, wondering just how far the gossip of their love-making would travel, and he frowned slightly. Reaching down to cup at himself as she whipped away the blankets, Isaac whirled to face Summer, wordlessly begging her to keep the servants under control, even if he did quite like this fussing, motherly figure.

Summer pleaded, “Maire, please go away,” scrabbling to pull at least one bit of fabric over them. “I promise we’ll get up. Just please go away?”

The housekeeper tsked, but somehow managed to bustle across the few steps to the door. “I’ll be back in half a candlemark, darling, see that you do. Don’t let the handsome lad distract you, now.”

And then she was gone, the door closed behind her, and Summer dropped flat on the bed with a huff. “Oh my God,” she said, half-laughing. “I swear I didn’t know she would do that, I promise, that wasn’t supposed to happen, she usually leaves me alone.” She peeked at Isaac. “Are you angry with me?”

the Tale of Sir Isaac



“What else?” she encouraged again — but he had no chance to answer. After only a brief tap, a stout, older woman bustled in, utterly ignoring Isaac’s nudity and carrying a tray.

“Rise and shine, duckies!” she sang out, setting the tray by the fireplace and stirring up the fire. Beaming, she turned back to them. “Oh, you look a ray of sunshine, darling, how grand!” She reached out and pinched Isaac’s cheek. “Such a handsome lad you’ve found here.”

He had only just opened up his mouth to form a response, before a strange woman entered their room without announcing her presence, moving around the room without seeming at all bothered about their nudity.

Managing to tuck the blankets up to his shoulders, he turned a helpless gaze on Summer as the woman pinched his cheek, torn between indignation and amusement as to her antics. “I…hello there?”

“I’m the housekeeper, ducky,” she said comfortably, still smiling broadly. “Come now, out of the bed, there’s much to do and you’ve kept to yourselves long enough.”

Summer sighed, closing her eyes. “Maire, we were busy,” she said meaningfully.

“Sure, and don’t I know it, and aren’t we all pleased as punch for it, darling, but the sun’s high and the seneschal’s impatient, and so’s the seamstress.” The housekeeper pulled at the blankets, tugging them away. “I’ve brought you breakfast.”

“I thought I was a princess,” Summer muttered.