Humphrey was fortunate; she knew the sense of him in her mind, and didn’t scream when he grabbed her. Too many things had her pulse pounding in her throat. One hand rose, involuntarily, to brush the rubies, and a slight, sad frown marked her brow.
“‘It did not seem to me to be a time to guard myself against Love’s blows: so I went on confident, unsuspecting’,” she quoted softly. Green eyes searched his face. He /was/ jealous. She hadn’t meant that, hadn’t expected it. He’d been too far for her to know anything but his instant anger; not what might have swelled behind it, from her letter.
“You remember it,” Humphrey noted in a voice almost a whisper, “That was the poem I told you when we met in Westminster. When you caught me lying of who I am…”
“…She, who is the sun among those ladies, shining the rays of her lovely eyes on me creates thoughts of love, actions and words; but whether she governs them or turns away, there is no longer any Spring for me,” he added, his eyes cast on the ground. “I feel foolish,” he whispered.
“Don’t, my lord, please, don’t.” Summer didn’t pull away from Humphrey. “We … were both cruel, I think, in fear.” There was more she wanted to say, but the look on his face stopped her words in her throat. She searched his face for a long time. “Perhaps we might … try again. With greater understanding.”
“I know not what we shall do,” He said softly. “You tell me. Was I cruel? See I am a prince of the blood royal, none ever talks to me like you did and whatever you insist I wish to have nothing of that talk again…” He said. His pride was still hurt by how she talked to him. He felt that if he’d have to suffer then at least he wants to do it with dignity. He will not go beyond his pride or his dues for any woman, he swore it long ago. Not even for one he loved, or he felt like love.
Too many thoughts crowded to her lips, jumbling together and stopping themselves in her throat. ‘I spoke only the truth,’ she wanted to say, and ‘you /are/ a prince, do as you will,’ and ‘why are you so cruel.’ But she said none of those, in the end, looking away and trying to hide the tears rising in her eyes.
He had her heart as a toy, and didn’t even know. She hadn’t meant to test him, only to protect herself. “Why are you here?”
“Here, like, here?” He pointed at the ground confused. “Because I had to talk to you. Though I know not what to say, if I am honest…” He looked shamefully to the ground. “What would you have me say?” he asked softly, sighing.
“You know it is so cruel that once I find a woman who I seem to enjoy the company of, and it all goes wrong like this. You are a rare diamond to find, you know…”
“I’m not.” The protest was instinctive. “I am a river stone, ordinary and unlovely, or perhaps false gold, that deceives with sparkle but has no substance.” Summer twisted her hands together, blinking hard. “Do you not see? I would — I would have the truth. Will you not put me aside, will you not tire of me? I thought, if I … showed you that I did not expect … ” She stumbled over the words, and a tear slid down her cheek.