







“Honesty is a quick way to get yourself disliked by the majority. If your honest words aren’t what they want to hear … well, there you are. And you avoid questions very well, Mr Stark.”

“The truth is never to anyone’s liking. Fact. And thank you. It’s a skill which I pride myself in.”

“Wish you wouldn’t, with me. It’s much harder to comprehend your emotions when you do that. I’m not here to do anything you don’t want, just to play and be a friend.”

“Hey, can’t have me cease the charade for one person. I’m an enigma in general. I appreciate that.”

“I’m already lookin’ under your mask, honey. So I do ask it. You lie like the Fae, and that’s very annoying. As a friend, yes? Be a little more honest to me.”

“What would you want to know?”

“Let’s start with a straight answer to my earlier question, solely due to what we’re watching and your comment about Hefner parties.”

“I’m gay. That’s pretty obvious, isn’t it?”

“I try not to make assumptions. I ask, instead. Pity, though. Oh, god, /look/ at him. That is … excuse me. Mmmph.” She clears her throat. “Now, explain your strange answer to my self-deprecation, and then you can have three free answers out of me.”