[Text] I made a reservation for dinner if you want to go.







[text to: flyboy] if that’s you asking me out, you should work on your polish
[text to: flyboy] what should I wear?

[Text] Well considering what day it is, yes I am.

[Text] You look good in everything but the restaurant has a dress code so..

[text to: flyboy] and that is why I asked what I should wear

[Text] Semi formal evening dress should do. I don’t know much else to tell you to be truthful.

[text to: flyboy] you want to help me get dressed?
[text to: flyboy] you make reservations and you don’t know anything else? Jarvis made them didn’t he

[text] I can’t get there yet, so I have to decline.

[text] I can do reservations myself…

[text]I just don’t know much about women’s clothes, Nat wasn’t much help there either.

[text to: flyboy] oh well. I guess I can get into this outfit on my own.
[text to: flyboy] Why would Natasha be what the hell I think you have to explain that one
[text to: flyboy] are you picking me up?