Donny smirks at the woman in the doorway.”I’m just being reasonable,honey.At this’s considered reasonable.”He stares at her for a moment.”Maybe you can tell Buzz over here to put his..lightsaber or..whatever down..”
“Nah, he seems pretty comfortable as is,” Tony replied. “But maybe you can explain who the hell you are, and give us a really good reason as to why neither of them should do something very painful to you.” If only Loki was home. Then it could be a full party.
“Do something. Maybe you’ll recognize my scream,” he says, staring Tony down giving him a look.
Summer drew a little circle in the air with her finger, idly, and a circle of flame traced around the intruder, about chest height. “I did something. I mean, if you came in here to elicit a particular reaction — which you talk like you did — I don’t think you’re going to get it. We don’t /know/ you, boyo, and if either of us, any of us, is supposed to maybe you should start introducing yourself.”