the Tale of Sir Isaac



A muffled noise that might have been shocked laughter emanated from the room behind him. The guard — the same guard, in fact — guided him not to the tower Summer had immured herself in before, but to a fantastic, glass room built out into the castle courtyard. Despite the season, it was pleasantly warm, and filled with flourishing greenery.

Summer was ensconced near the centre of the room, red dress flowing about her. A little girl knelt near her feet, chattering happily and sharing a plateful of finger foods with her. Her face was still marked with the melancholy of the past months, but even as Isaac entered the room, sunlight poured through the glass and lit up her face.

Sir Isaac bid the guard a kind farewell, too otherwise captivated by the journey to the new room, and then the even more beautiful sight of his wife-to-be, gazing in adoration at her. She was wonderful with children, and he was eager to give her some of her own to care for and raise as a family together, but they had to be married first.

Allowing her a moment longer with the child, he finally announced his presence by stepping in through the doorway and striding across the room, leaning down to kiss her on the forehead.

Summer’s gaze immediately snapped to him, the melancholy instantly erased by a smile. When he kissed her on the forehead, the little girl jumped up and tugged on his arm, pulling him down to whisper in his ear, “She doesn’t like that. Don’t do that.”

Then she gave him an urchin’s grin and shot off like a bolt. Summer watched her go with a softer, fond smile. “Sarai is the head cook’s middle daughter. They’ve all been very concerned about my health of late.”



“Well, of course not,” Summer whispered, dropping a kiss on Isaac’s chest before he washed it.

He pushed up into his lips, carding his fingers through the other’s hair as he gazed down at his boyfriend. “A guy could get used to this kind of treatment, you know?”

That made Summer laugh so hard he ended up leaning against Isaac, abandoning his chore. “I wouldn’t get used to it.”

the Tale of Sir Isaac



Only a brief twitch of the mouth betrayed Edward’s response to Isaac’s description of Summer. Much more gently, he said, “There’s nothing more to be done at the moment. The wedding won’t take place for a month, and the dispersal of the knights participating in the tournament will do enough to protect the lands.

“Go back to her. Make her smile again, and again, and again. I will send for you when I need you.”

“I might not come straightaway, Sir. After all, my duty is to my wife-to-be, not you, I’m afraid. As long as you give me plenty of warning, I should be along as quick as I can,” Sir Isaac stated with the merest of twitches to his lips, straightening up as he nodded his goodbyes, then stepping out of the room to return to the side of his beloved Summer once again.

A muffled noise that might have been shocked laughter emanated from the room behind him. The guard — the same guard, in fact — guided him not to the tower Summer had immured herself in before, but to a fantastic, glass room built out into the castle courtyard. Despite the season, it was pleasantly warm, and filled with flourishing greenery.

Summer was ensconced near the centre of the room, red dress flowing about her. A little girl knelt near her feet, chattering happily and sharing a plateful of finger foods with her. Her face was still marked with the melancholy of the past months, but even as Isaac entered the room, sunlight poured through the glass and lit up her face.

Oil prices plummet as OPEC decides against output cut

Oil prices plummet as OPEC decides against output cut

Ace drew his shower curtains and stepped down on his mat, towel wrapped low around his waist. Just as he moved to tend to his scruff before the mirror, he tripped over something fluffy. Looking down, he saw Helios at his feet, ears flattened, eyes narrowed to slits. “How did you…?”




Helios licked his nose insolently, before bending to lick drops of water off Ace’s feet. He washed one spot assiduously, before hopping in the shower and looking up at the shower head. Then he looked at Ace, tail waving, and back at the shower head.

“I, uh.” Confronted with his bare chest, after the revelations of barely an hour ago, she found it hard to think. “It’s more what I don’t want? No anchovies or peppers? Anything else is fine.” Her shoulders relaxed, and she leaned into his hold, one hand resting on his skin. Impulsively, she kissed the bit of skin closest to her mouth.

Ace was completely oblivious, like he was moments before her outburst, of the effect he had on her. The lad was waiting patiently for his hair to dry a little more, so that little drops wouldn’t catch on the collar of his cotton shirt. Watching her as she spoke, a small smile spread across his face as he processed what she said before declaring, “Pepperoni, then!” Kissing the top of her head, he moved to dial the number he knew by heart with his free-hand, and press the phone to his ear.

“Sammy! I call hungry and loaded with cash.”

“Extra cheese?” she said, pleading. Then she fell silent, so Ace could talk to the guy on the other end of the line — someone he was obviously very familiar with. His smile — the little, sweet one — still made her heart skip a beat, and she wondered if he could tell.

“So … ” Summer said slightly awkwardly, “now what do we do? Am I allowed to sit you down and kiss you breathless?”