Tag Archives: mun watches lost girl



Oh god Tamsin. Tamsin x Kenzi BEST. And that last ep, so much wtf. Bo, bby, what is going on? Go sex with your Dyson.

Vex stepped on my hair once.

Tamsin/Kenzi are my new favorites together I SWEAR. Right along with Bo/Kenzi. The Wanderer must have done something to her because of the mark or SOMETHING. They should just make Bo/Dyson/Lauren a threeway by now it’s already nearly that.

I loooove Vex but there hasn’t been enough of him lately.

I had a feeling everything was going to connect to Trick because he had all that power trip.

But Hale/Kenzi are my show otp.

If Vex has his way there will be a threeway. I am predicting this.

Trick confuses me. But then the whole ‘many 1000s of years old’ thing they try to do sometimes confuses me. Lost Girl is one of those shows like Teen Wolf where the season does not make sense until the end.

Bo/Kenzi/Tamsin are my girl-buds OT3 for that show, srsly; I want to see them have a night on the town. And I REALLY want Kenzi and Hale to get together properly because there is an undercurrent there from the pixie dust that I want to see played out. (Also, you know, the whole summer-yule ep with them just KILLED me.)