Tag Archives: nestinghawk




Hawkeye is soooo HAAAWWWWTTT in Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3. I never cared for him until i play this game

Wheres the porn of him with Shuma Gorath or the Rocket Raccon D:?

I…don’t…I just…ok.

I am convinced Clint Barton found this awesome portrait of him and bought a print immediately, lovingly had it framed, and hung it in the bathroom so that just as you sit down, you see it. And you can’t get up — you have to sit there, witnessing its splendor, until you’ve done your business, and when you leave the bathroom he’s standing there, arms crossed, grinning, just waiting for you to say something. Waiting. 

[Text] I made a reservation for dinner if you want to go.





[text to: flyboy] if that’s you asking me out, you should work on your polish
[text to: flyboy] what should I wear?

[Text] Well considering what day it is, yes I am.

[Text] You look good in everything but the restaurant has a dress code so..

[text to: flyboy] and that is why I asked what I should wear

[Text] Semi formal evening dress should do. I don’t know much else to tell you to be truthful.

[text to: flyboy] you want to help me get dressed?
[text to: flyboy] you make reservations and you don’t know anything else? Jarvis made them didn’t he

It’ll help if you talk about it

“It’s, I just — I feel like I don’t do enough. You know?” She looked up, not quite meeting his eyes. “I know how much they hurt. I know the fear, the terror … I can help lost children find their parents, I dig trapped firemen out of collapsed buildings, I can talk suicides off of ledges and desperate robbers out of banks, calm riots and find the good in anybody, and it’s just not enough.”