Tag Archives: rp: summer by the sea

summer by the sea



She stuck her tongue out at him. “Shoes, Isaac. We have to buy the things. Shoes, wallet. I’m going to find the cookbook.” She rummaged around in a cabinet next to the stove for a minute before coming up with a box that said ‘Fondue’ in bright letters across the front. She fished a little book out of that and tucked it under one arm.

He whined dramatically, but nevertheless moved to slip his shoes on, eyeing her with a fond smile. “Have…um…have you got some money?” He winced sheepishly and scrunched his nose up, feeling himself cripple slightly with shame.

“Yes, darling idiot, I have money.” She poked his nose, then rose up on tiptoes to kiss it. “I was not expecting you to buy the food, just to help me carry the bags.” It didn’t really take them very long at the store, all things considered. The clerk, an older lady, gave them very knowing looks as she rang them up, and Summer blushed under her gaze, but she only said, “You kids have fun, now,” as she sent them off.

summer by the sea



“You can build a fire if you want,” she offered. “There’s just not that much involved in fondue. And I’m pretty sure you can handle cutting up the meat and fruit and bread and stuff.”

“That sounds like an awful lot of responsibility.” He laughed and moved away to check if they had any of those desired items, before twisting to face her once more. “But I’d love to, Summer.”

She stuck her tongue out at him. “Shoes, Isaac. We have to buy the things. Shoes, wallet. I’m going to find the cookbook.” She rummaged around in a cabinet next to the stove for a minute before coming up with a box that said ‘Fondue’ in bright letters across the front. She fished a little book out of that and tucked it under one arm.

summer by the sea



“You can cook something for me some other time,” she said gently. “I thought since that pasta didn’t work out, we could go down the store and get the fondue stuff. That’s pretty easy, I just need to look up the recipe real quick.”

“Can I help? I want to learn so that I can try it next time all by myself,” he murmured and nuzzled his nose along her jawline, smiling against her flesh. “I love you, you know?”

“You can build a fire if you want,” she offered. “There’s just not that much involved in fondue. And I’m pretty sure you can handle cutting up the meat and fruit and bread and stuff.”

summer by the sea



She took him by the shoulders and looked him in the eye. “Listen to me, Isaac. You do impress me. Every single day, I am impressed by you. You don’t have to be good at everything, you don’t have to do everything I want you to, just be you.”

His eyes widened and he leaned into her touch, before nodding slowly. “I know, but I just…it’s supposed to be romantic to cook for the person you love, right? And I looked for pasta in the fridge, so I really don’t have a clue.” He chuckled and leaned to kiss her tenderly on the lips.

“You can cook something for me some other time,” she said gently. “I thought since that pasta didn’t work out, we could go down the store and get the fondue stuff. That’s pretty easy, I just need to look up the recipe real quick.”

summer by the sea



She lost it again. “Put that down, oh my god.” Getting up out of the chair, she took the pasta and jar from him and put them firmly down on the counter. “We’re going out. To the store, at least.”

Isaac cast her a sheepish smile as he curled into her side briefly, he laughed helplessly and lifted his shoulders up in a shrug. “Do I get points for trying, at least? I just wanted to impress you, I guess.”

She took him by the shoulders and looked him in the eye. “Listen to me, Isaac. You do impress me. Every single day, I am impressed by you. You don’t have to be good at everything, you don’t have to do everything I want you to, just be you.”

summer by the sea



“Well, that’s a start. Maybe there’s a jar of sauce in there somewhere too? A pot might be useful.”

“Um. Corn? I see…I think that’s soup…that’s no good…um…” He fumbled and reached to rummage through the contents of the cupboard, before dragging out a jar and peering at it suspiciously. “Tomato?”

She lost it again. “Put that down, oh my god.” Getting up out of the chair, she took the pasta and jar from him and put them firmly down on the counter. “We’re going out. To the store, at least.”

summer by the sea



She composed herself enough to say, “Have you ever even cooked before?” 

“Not pasta. Dad liked chicken, so I’m alright at that,” he stated softly, before moving to rummage in the cupboards. Moments later, he whooped victoriously and wielded a bag of pasta above his head.

“Well, that’s a start. Maybe there’s a jar of sauce in there somewhere too? A pot might be useful.”

summer by the sea



She put her head down on the table and virtually exploded into laughter. “You have /no/ idea what to do, do you? Oh god. Isaac.” She laughed so hard tears came to her eyes and she was reduced to snorting breaths.

“But I want to cook for you…” He whined softly and lowered his head in defeat, before watching her fondly. Her amusement was infectious and he found a grin unfolding on his face, chuckling along with her. “I’m trying!”

She composed herself enough to say, “Have you ever even cooked before?” 

summer by the sea



Muffled snorts escaped her, watching him so evidently confused. She put a hand over her mouth. “A tomato?” she said, tone a little warped by the attempt to hold in her laughter.

He twisted to face her, smiling softly as he shrugged. “I could…put it in the pot with the pasta?” He shrugged helplessly, features twisting in raw bewilderment as he tried to seek out the right ingredients, before crying out, “I can’t find any pasta!”

She put her head down on the table and virtually exploded into laughter. “You have /no/ idea what to do, do you? Oh god. Isaac.” She laughed so hard tears came to her eyes and she was reduced to snorting breaths.

summer by the sea



“Dunno.” She concealed a smile.

“We have the choice of…tomato or cheese?” He prodded said tomato curiously, before deeming it to be acceptable, muttering under his breath.

Muffled snorts escaped her, watching him so evidently confused. She put a hand over her mouth. “A tomato?” she said, tone a little warped by the attempt to hold in her laughter.