Tag Archives: ucsb shooting



You know how Elliot Rodger felt so much societal pressure to have his first kiss and lose his virginity? Guess what! That’s the patriarchy that’s putting pressure on kids/young adults/adults to lose their virginity and “BECOME A MAN” or whatever. Patriarchy hurts everyone.

That’s the same patriarchy that puts pressure on girls / young women to “wait until marriage” because your virginity is the greatest thing you have to offer a man. That if you “give it up” and have sex for fun you’re a slut. That if you’re raped it must be because you led him on. That it’s your job to deny sex like a hockey player defending the goal, but when you do that it’s your fault when horny entitled man-children react with anger and violence. And if THAT doesn’t tell you how incredibly fucked up the patriarchy is, I don’t know what will.



Can we talk, just for a second, about how many neurotypical people commit violent crime?  Or, you know, people who don’t have a mental illness who do the same?  

How about how many people who live with autism or who are otherwise non-neurotyical are not, in fact, psychopaths, sociopaths, or otherwise violent?  And how all of those things are different things?  

And can we maybe acknowledge that while Elliott Rodger clearly does have some things going on with his brain, that does not change the fact that he made his motives abundantly clear, or that there are entire communities of men who believe that punishing women for being autonomous is an acceptable mode of behavior.  

Autism and mental illness are not the problem here.

Stop treating people with autism and mental illness like they are dangerous or less-than or somehow incapable of being humane and decent.  

Stop ignoring rape culture and misogyny and giving fucking murderers the benefit of the doubt because those things happened to occur in the same space as autism or mental illness.

just a side note, there are a fuck ton of people out there in the world who are sociopathic and still manage to NOT KILL PEOPLE. 

People who are homicidal commit homicide. They may or may not have other issues going on, but homicidal is definitely the big key. 

Autistic people are no more likely to kill people than schizophrenic people OR COMPLETELY NORMAL HEALTHY PEOPLE. 

In this instance it was a dude-bro with serious entitlement issues thinking that rejection was a legitimate reason for homicide, and having an entire community of supporters telling him that he is right. 

Personally, all of those people supporting this guy on his youtube video are suspect in my book. Not for what this guy did today, but for what they are capable of doing tomorrow, or the next day. My ability to extend them a modicum of TRUST to NOT KILL WOMEN is really lacking right this minute. 


Okay, let’s say  he has an actual mental illness (other than Narcissistic Personality Disorder, which seems pretty likely).  Mental Illness does not exist in a vacuum.  There’s a reason that people reported hearing voices in the 1500s  heard God and saints but people in the 1960s heard aliens and the CIA. If this guy hadn’t been raised in a culture that taught him he was owed a woman and sex, this is not how things would have gone down.

Also, again, even if he has an actual mental illness, he was mentally competent – he made manifestos and plans, and IANAL but I’m pretty sure he’d be ruled competent to stand trial were he alive.

I’m not letting the cops off the hook on this though; they were told about this guy and did nothing.


Copypasted from my facebook: 

So yeah, elephant in the room time. Let’s talk about the misogynistic asswaffle that killed the 6 people and wounded 7 more in San Bernadino.

Dude was a Men’s Rights Activist, and he was also a regular on PUAHate, which is “Pick Up Artist Hate” — a message board for men that had spent lots of money on Pick Up Artist seminars and books and shit to “coerce” women into having sex with them, failed, and wanted to vent about what bitches women are and how the expensive magic tickets to pussy they spent so much time and money on didn’t work for them. PUA stuff is repulsive; it often includes stuff like “negging” which means insulting and treating women like shit and expecting them to think that the man is “Alpha-male as fuck” and dropping everything to have sex with him. The murderer often used the term alpha-male in his videos and manifesto.

If you’re ever wanting to get nauseated from reading stuff on the internet, check out the Men’s Rights subreddit, it’s truly a cesspool. (And I’m not going to link it here.)

Anyway, shithead was fully immersed in a culture of absolute, seething hatred of women for their being autonomous. He was convinced of the existence of the “Friendzone” — the imaginary “zone” that women put men that like them into to deny them sex and still keep them around. The thing is, a) just because you’re hanging out with a woman and being nice to them doesn’t entitle you to sex, and b) if you’re hanging out with a woman and being nice to her solely for the purpose of getting your dick wet, you’re an awful friend.

Assmaster here was an entitlement bitch. He felt entitled to lose his virginity because he thought he was a “supreme nice guy” and deserved women throwing their vaginae at him for basically existing. The societal pressure on him, and on men, to lose their virginity and “BECOME A MAN!” or whatever, is a product of patriarchy — the same patriarchy that puts societal pressure on women to stay precious virgins AT ALL COSTS so that they can give their virginity as a gift to their deserving husband on their wedding night. It’s the same patriarchy that calls women sluts and whores for having sex, and high-fives men for doing the same. It makes Dads over-protective, shotgun-wielding threats to their daughter’s dates, and makes them give their sons pep-talks to get out there and bang some chicks.

This is a ridiculous double-standard, and that, and dickwads like loser here, are why the world needs feminism.

There’s a hashtag on twitter that started yesterday,https://twitter.com/search?q=%23yesallwomen&src=typd‪#‎YesAllWomen‬— and it’s hard to read, and difficult to swallow, but it’s necessary to get the point across: “Not ALL men do stuff like this guy” is not helping. “Yes ALL women” feel menaced by men, “Yes ALL women” get harassed on the street, “Yes ALL women” are victims of the ridiculous double-standards of sexism and misogyny. If you’re a man, I suggest reading it, not defending, and just soaking it all in. If you’re a woman, I suggest reading it, and commiserating or adding in your experiences.

Misogyny and sexism are rampant in this world, and, to quote patrickat, “Think of where the human race could be right now if we hadn’t spent the better part of history refusing half the population a contribution.”


“Well girls, keep that in mind next time your friendzone somebody!”






I’m just going to let my friends speak for me about the UCSB shooter. They all have the right things to say, and my best friend is kinda right on top of all of that stuff (she tweeted about the cop cars headed down to Isla Vista in response, and was at the candlelight vigil) so I don’t want to generate too much feedback between me and her.