

She stalked closer, reached out, and shoved him off the skateboard. Then she fisted a hand in the front of his shirt. “Xavier. My sanity, or lack thereof, is not in question here. What. The hell. Is going on.”

{♙} — ; Xavier’s brows furrowed, and he brought his own hand up to grab her wrist. “The ‘ell is wrong with you, Summer?” he questioned, though he didn’t push her away just yet because he at least had that decency. “Leave me the fuck alone, yeah? I’m not in the fucking mood for this.”

Summer gave him the flattest possible gaze. “Would you please stop avoiding the question. A /mundane/ could tell there is something wrong here. Tell me what it is.” Why did she have to be so damn short? It made it very hard to intimidate people into answering her.