Tag Archives: xavierrud



Her mouth compressed at his admission. “That,” she said, “is why I’m asking you. Because I don’t /want/ you getting in your car and wrecking it.” She untangled her fingers from his collar, putting both hands back on her hips. “Come on, Xavier. I’m your friend. I care about you. So just tell me.”

{♙} — ; “No.” Simple worded answer, and his body’s defense mechanism kicked in then so he wouldn’t give off any tell-tale emotions, just went blank like he had done the other day with T… that guy.

“Oh, god, Xavier, please don’t make me force you,” she pleaded, voice breaking in the middle. Summer reached out again, putting a hand on his arm. “Xavier. I know … you’re hurt. Please, please just tell me so I can make it right.”



Summer gave him the flattest possible gaze. “Would you please stop avoiding the question. A /mundane/ could tell there is something wrong here. Tell me what it is.” Why did she have to be so damn short? It made it very hard to intimidate people into answering her.

{♙} — ; “Ask someone else would you? I’m about this close,” he held up two fingers, holding them rather close to each other, “to just getting in my car and wrecking because I’m fucking done, so I don’t need you adding onto my stress by being a stubborn arse.” Even if he was being one, too.

Her mouth compressed at his admission. “That,” she said, “is why I’m asking you. Because I don’t /want/ you getting in your car and wrecking it.” She untangled her fingers from his collar, putting both hands back on her hips. “Come on, Xavier. I’m your friend. I care about you. So just tell me.”



She stalked closer, reached out, and shoved him off the skateboard. Then she fisted a hand in the front of his shirt. “Xavier. My sanity, or lack thereof, is not in question here. What. The hell. Is going on.”

{♙} — ; Xavier’s brows furrowed, and he brought his own hand up to grab her wrist. “The ‘ell is wrong with you, Summer?” he questioned, though he didn’t push her away just yet because he at least had that decency. “Leave me the fuck alone, yeah? I’m not in the fucking mood for this.”

Summer gave him the flattest possible gaze. “Would you please stop avoiding the question. A /mundane/ could tell there is something wrong here. Tell me what it is.” Why did she have to be so damn short? It made it very hard to intimidate people into answering her.



She breathed out hard, hanging on to her own temper with fisted hands. “Xavier Tristan Rud, if you do not get over here and tell me what the /fucking hell/ is going on I will melt your skateboard for scrap.”

Shit. She hadn’t meant to say that.

❝What the hell are you talking about, Summer?❞

{ a confused gaze clouded over his features
  for a small moment, but he scoffed soon after. }

❝Honestly, you’re just as insane as the rest of the people in these damn flats.❞

{ and even if she found a way to melt his board,
  then he’d just buy a new one simple as that. }

She stalked closer, reached out, and shoved him off the skateboard. Then she fisted a hand in the front of his shirt. “Xavier. My sanity, or lack thereof, is not in question here. What. The hell. Is going on.”



Summer’s eyes narrowed, and she jammed her fists on her hips. “Xavier, you can come here and talk to me, or I can make you. Up to you.” What the /hell/ was going on? It felt like everyone was pissed off at each other, and with Elena, Gwaine, and Arthur gone, and Tristan basically an outlier, the group wasn’t big enough to sustain that kind of mistrust for long.

Never mind that she was the newest.

She stalked down the hallway after him.

                                    ❝Sodding leave me alone.❞

{ maybe before he wouldn’t have said
  that, but he just wanted to be alone and
  not have to talk about what had happened.
  but summer was one who was just as
  stubborn as he was, so he knew that she
  wouldn’t stop until she knew. but he wouldn’t
  tell her. even if she made him. }

                                    ❝I’m not in the mood for this… this shit.❞

She breathed out hard, hanging on to her own temper with fisted hands. “Xavier Tristan Rud, if you do not get over here and tell me what the /fucking hell/ is going on I will melt your skateboard for scrap.”

Shit. She hadn’t meant to say that.



Summer was going to find out what had happened. Merlin was — nowhere to be found. Not entirely surprising. She wasn’t in the mood to play wordgames with Tony, or push her way through Mordred’s stiff upper lip facade. That left Xavier as the easiest nut to crack.

Who was conveniently using the hallway to skateboard in.

“Xavier.” The stern tone, so he would know she wasn’t going to let him get away. “What’s going on?”

{ he’d be the easiest nut to crack, huh? well maybe
  he used to be, but like it was stated before, he had
  changed. not for the better, but to him that was how
  it was. and he didn’t stop skateboarding when he had
  heard her voice, instead scowling and moving away
  from her current area. he didn’t have time for this. }


Summer’s eyes narrowed, and she jammed her fists on her hips. “Xavier, you can come here and talk to me, or I can make you. Up to you.” What the /hell/ was going on? It felt like everyone was pissed off at each other, and with Elena, Gwaine, and Arthur gone, and Tristan basically an outlier, the group wasn’t big enough to sustain that kind of mistrust for long.

Never mind that she was the newest.

She stalked down the hallway after him.


{ being completely and utterly broken took
  a lot out of you. was it a surprise he was
  using skateboarding as something to get
  his mind off of it? he didn’t think so, at least.
  but don’t annoy him, he’s had enough and
  he’s changed. he’s not taking anyone’s shit
  anymore. he doesn’t care about you, or
  anyone. just his dogs, who were out of the
  vicinity. don’t do anything that would tick him off. }


Summer was going to find out what had happened. Merlin was — nowhere to be found. Not entirely surprising. She wasn’t in the mood to play wordgames with Tony, or push her way through Mordred’s stiff upper lip facade. That left Xavier as the easiest nut to crack.

Who was conveniently using the hallway to skateboard in.

“Xavier.” The stern tone, so he would know she wasn’t going to let him get away. “What’s going on?”



“Nononono, you’re supposed to lead because I don’t even know where the rinks are and you live here, well so do I but you’ve lived here longer than I have.” Summer bounced over to the door, pulling on Xavier’s hand, and down the hall, and down the stairs, and stopped at the parking. “Drive, walk, bus, metro?”

[♙—     “Let’s just walk, yeah? It’s a nice and cold day.” And he really freaking loved winter — it was his favorite season. “And calm down, Summer! You’re going to be tired out before we get there.”

Entirely on purpose this time, she vibrated a little more, laughing at him. It had been a long time since she was this happy. “If I am, that’s my problem!” Her boots squeaked on the snow, her breath puffed out in clouds, and her nose and cheeks were already turning red from cold, but she didn’t care. She was out, with a friend, going to do something she wanted to do. The world was great.

“Which way?”