“Are you sure? Do you want to take the risk of knowing what has been enslaved in the darkness for so long? Only with no regret can I come back.”



“It — it doesn’t matter.” She can’t identify /anything/ about the voice. Nothing at all except an obscure sort of pain, that this person should think that they’ve gone so far they can’t come back. Her own voice strengthens. “You won’t hurt me.”

A pool of darkness slowly began to form in front of Summer, and a figure emerged covered in a black slime that started to melt away, revealing familiar blood red hair, and the so familiar brown right eye and bright green left eye.

“Hi Summer.”


Summer shrieked and flung herself at the figure, laughing and sobbing. “Marie, oh Marie, Marie.” She hugged the other girl, face buried in her shoulder, all but squeezing the breath out of her.

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