Tag Archives: re:roleplay


“i don’t roleplay with OCs because i’ve had bad experiences—” yeah well i’m not your bad experience so instead of making generalizations how about you judge a character by the character and not by your bullshit assumptions 



Ugh, tumblr just ate another reply are you bloody kidding me?

notallmxnsters said: you should write them on google docs so that if they don’t post, you wont lose your work

Thanks for the tip I’ll start doing that 🙂

It’s also a good way to get yourself back in the zone for a particular thread, because you can keep copies of the whole thread previously and read them over much more quickly.

Hathor, Morpheus

  • Hathor: What brings you joy?
    cats. always cats. and legos. my causes of joy are pretty simple — but achieving them can be quite hard.
  • Morpheus: Do you daydream often? Of what?
    Honestly, I frequently daydream about my rps, or about where I want them to do. My mind is always full of the little backstory bits, what Summer is thinking or wishing for or planning, the reasons why she’s done things. I often wish I had closer relationships with the other muns and felt like I could tell them those things.



If I ever post a meme that you want to send to me: SEND THE MEME.

I don’t care if our muses have never met.
I don’t care if our muses hate each other.
I don’t care if we have stuff plotted, but haven’t interacted much.
I don’t care if it means I have to skip ahead in our plot.
I don’t care if it means I have to go a bit AU.

Send in the meme if you want to send in the meme. Because trust me, I want you to send in the meme.

I don’t really mean to drive off people from following me with those messages … :/ I just really don’t want to cope with people being weird at me when I try to play with them.