Tag Archives: whyactlikeahuman




Hey, Summer, you’re not busy or anything at the moment, are you?

No, not really … what do you need, honey?

*shrugs* I got an anon, and you know how bossy they are. I just have to do this. *kisses Summer’s cheek*

*raises a brow and gets an arm around Abby’s waist* Tony never told you how he and I met, did he? I have rules about kisses, you know.

❖, ♙, ⊗ please? c:

  • Send me a ❖ for my character’s personal thoughts about yours

Summer really likes Abby. She would like to be closer to her, and despite their lack of interaction tends to think of her as a little sister. She’s really unsure about how to approach Abby sometimes, though, because she really doesn’t want to interfere or be rebuffed.

  • Send me a ♙ for what my character originally thought your character’s name was before learning their actual name, and why

Oh my god, I have NO idea. I don’t even remember. I think I found Abby through ijusttakethstairs, so I already knew her name, and there was never a point when Summer didn’t know her name … that’s kinda lame.

  • Send me a ⊗ for my thoughts OOC on your character

I really like Abby as a character. I think that her mun could use a little more gumption ^^ sometimes, but she’s a sweet, innocent but stronghearted teenager who’s very true to what I remember that age being like. I’m sometimes a little surprised that she doesn’t know some things, because she’s a telepath.


Steve’s having a bad day. You can tell, because he only grows stubble when something is terribly wrong.

(The President just accused him of selling state secrets and refused to give him a trial on the grounds it would demoralize the American people. Instead he’s confiscating Steve’s uniform and shield, revoking his citizenship, and deporting him to Britain. Steve finds English-made hamburgers sub-par, apparently.)

On the plus side, apparently he got his nipples back.

[From Captain America #451, 1996.]