Tag Archives: xregicide
*pins you against the wall and kisses you* ((Pass it on the the first ten on your dash))
that’s my merlin, what are you doing?
get away from my merlin
i claimed him first, who do u think u are?
10000000 potato
“It might help if you stopped trying.”
“And when I do you die?”
“Have you forgotten I can take care of myself? I don’t think you can have this both ways.”
“And I did. You keep trying to protect me. Mordred.”
“And I can see it works well.”
“It might help if you stopped trying.”
Name: Summer Rainault
Age: 20 (camelot)
Do you like to cuddle?: yes, please
Can we make-out?: I guess so
A night in or dinner out?: a night in
Ice cream or chocolate covered strawberries?: strawberries
What makes you a good Valentine?: I think you love me; I’m cuddly and sweet, I’m not hard to please.
Would you cook for me?: Yes
Would you let me cook for you?: I guess so————-
“Are you saying I can’t cook?”
“I’m saying I have no idea of your cooking skills. When would you have time to learn?”
“What, that I would come back?”
“Something like that, but I did tell you to leave, though.”
“And I did. You keep trying to protect me. Mordred.”
I didn’t say it right. I never say it right. It’s not about speed of replies, I swear. I’m not good at patience but I understand it. It’s me being selfish and greedy and demanding. It’s wanting to have the same attention from people that I feel like I’m giving. I don’t know how to explain this without making people feel bad. I swear it’s not about you, it’s me. It’s always me. I wasn’t trying to guilt anyone or be passive-aggressive; I just thought people should know — I don’t know what I thought.
I was trying to express that I was letting go. Because I have been told that I’m an annoyance, that I make people lose their muse, that I drive people away from rping by being in the inbox constantly and replying quickly. That if I do the askbox things I’m forcing a ship. That if I wish people would do my askbox things I’m expecting too much.
I tried to do the right thing and I messed it up. I always mess it up. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt anyone, or guilt them.
*wry* It doesn’t look like any of you actually listened to the part about “you don’t have to reply” anyway, since I got four replies in between.
drunkknightofcamelot replied to your post “You don’t need to worry about replying to me anymore. I know you would…”
Don’t be like that D: I’d love to roleplay with you. I always get lost with replies and stuffs and I haven’t had any inbox from you for like… ages. I replied to the last one I got. You don’t bother me or make me loose my muse!
thenameislahey reblogged your post and added:
iwontbeephemeral reblogged your post and added:
Okay, listen up, because this post both made me…
consultinsociopath replied to your post “You don’t need to worry about replying to me anymore. I know you would…”
Wait what? You don’t make me lose my muse hunny. I’ve just been busy finishing school. I haven’t rped at all today really.
sonofpendragon replied to your post “You don’t need to worry about replying to me anymore. I know you would…”
[as am working on your reply]
turpisvirtute replied to your post “You don’t need to worry about replying to me anymore. I know you would…”
I have your replies, somewhere, and I’m doing you’re meme right now.
You don’t need to worry about replying to me anymore. I know you would rather be replying to other people, and when I turn up in your askbox it’s just annoying. There’s always someone else you would rather be writing with than me. I’m sorry I hurt you. I’m sorry I make you lose your muse. I won’t be bothering you anymore.